“Evening Openings” Return to Prato Every Thursday in July

“Evening Openings” Return to Prato Every Thursday in July
“Evening Openings” Return to Prato Every Thursday in July

PRATO – The shops in the historic center of Prato will once again turn on their lights until midnight every Thursday of the month of July. Organized by the merchants, with the patronage of the Municipality of Prato and the support of the trade associations, Confcommercio and Confesercenti, the “Evening Openings” will link shopping in the cooler hours of the day to moments filled with music, tastings, entertainment for the little ones and much more. All this, in conjunction with the start of the summer sales, a further incentive to frequent the center. The event was presented today in the council room of the Municipality of Prato, in the presence of the mayor Ilaria Bugettiof the councilor with responsibility for trade Blessed Squittieriof the councilor with responsibility for the historic center Diego Blasiof the director of Confcommercio, Tiziano Tempestiniand the director of Confesercenti, Ascanio Marradi.

On July 4, 11, 18 and 25, therefore, the streets and squares of the center will be filled with a series of initiatives designed to promote the social life of residents and visitors. In via Mazzini – renamed Mazzini Street by the merchants – there will be exhibitions of paintings and free painting workshops, animated readings for children, musical entertainment, tastings of wine and local products, together with a stand for making colored braids and a vintage market. A little further on, similar activities will take place in via Muzzi, with Shops under the stars in via Muzziwhile in via Guasti the poster will be Blooming Guastian explicit allusion to the fact that Thursday nights are ready to blossom. In Piazza Santa Maria delle Carceri, meanwhile, here is Prison Thursdayswith underground visits, tastings, music and entertainment. In via Pugliesi, instead, arrives Apulian Sound: four evenings with musical accompaniment that will extend from the aperitif (at 6 pm) until 11 pm, providing the soundtrack to the shopping. This initiative creates for the first time a form of dialogue between shopkeepers and night clubs, also in collaboration with the nearby Via Settesoldi and with the collaboration of the residents. Furthermore, at the artist’s instigation Lauraballasome works by the artist Tommaso Bartoloni will be exhibited in some shops in the center, accompanied by guided tours. These events are adequately promoted through a communication plan coordinated by Confcommercio Pistoia and Prato and operationally managed by Fonderia Cultart.

“It is an unmissable event for the people of Prato because it has always been a great opportunity to experience the center on warm summer evenings,” said Mayor Bugetti, “a simple formula that can be enriched every year with ideas and variations to make it more attractive and adaptable to the needs of the city and the organizers. In summer everything is easier but we are alongside commercial activities to make the center live all year round. Let’s start from here.” “The evening openings on Thursdays in July are now a beautiful and pleasant certainty for the citizens of Prato and beyond,” he added. Councillor Squittieri – allow us to enhance the historic center, attract citizens and create moments of communication. It is an opportunity to experience the center at cooler times accompanied by different types of entertainment. As an administration, to the extent of our competence, we are alongside the merchants and available for the consolidation and growth of events like this”.

“My generation grew up with the Thursday evening store openings in the centre of Prato, they have become an opportunity to socialize and spend time in company,” said Councillor Blasi. “I thank the trade associations and all the shopkeepers who passionately put their work at the service of the community. Thursday is a time of widespread sociality for the citizen, a way to bring the historic centre to life and to be able to tell the beauty of our city.” “The Thursday evening openings in July,” commented the director of Confcommercio Pistoia and Prato, Tiziano Tempestini, “have been a tried and tested way to enhance the work of the shops for many years. Confcommercio cannot help but support this dynamic of sociality, encouraged by the choice of the cooler hours of the day. Now the goal is to further strengthen these events, working in synergy with the new city administration.” “This initiative, which has been renewed for over 15 years now, – concluded the director of Confesercenti Prato, Ascanio Marradi – represents not only a consolidated tradition but also an important opportunity to promote local trade and enhance our territory. This year we are relaunching the event with a double operational dynamic: a communication plan and the commitment of individual merchants with personalized events. The goal is clear: to create a real open-air “shopping center”, where tradition and innovation meet, offering citizens and tourists a unique shopping and entertainment experience”.

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