Italy 24 Press News

Pesaro, the sustainable exhibition in the Prefecture with the portraits of 4 sports figures – Culture News – CentroPagina

PESARO – After the Sustainability Tree, made with over 6,000 recycled plastic bottles, which from the main courtyard of the Ducal Palace illuminated the Christmas of the people of Pesaro, among the Prefecture of Pesaro Urbino And Marche Multiservices a new collaboration to convey messages such as the environmental sustainability and thecircular economy. A virtuous synergy achieved thanks to Scart, artistic project of Hera Groupwith which exclusive works and installations made of 100% waste are created.

In this case, thanks to the students of theAcademy of Fine Arts of Florencean exhibition of 4 works depicting as many portraits of characters Italian sportsmen. “Dino Zoff” by Chiara Gulmini made with scraps of footballs, fabrics and leather and glass and plastic fragments; “Alberto Tomba” by Anita Penna who worked on the piece with leather scraps, plastic fabric cuttings, zips and plastic scales; “Sofia Goggia” again by Chiara Gulmini who created the work with leather scraps, fabric scraps, parts of fashion accessories and plastic waste. Also by Chiara Gulmini “Yuri Chechi” made with fabric scraps, leather scraps, fashion accessories and buttons.

«We believe in the value of culture and art to more easily convey messages related to environmental sustainability and the circular economy – explains the CEO of Marche Multiservizi Mauro Tiviroli – With initiatives such as this exhibition, as well as at Christmas with the Sustainability Tree, we are able to promote and spread these values ​​more widely among citizens, particularly among younger ones. With Scart, an excellence of the Hera Group, a virtuous synergy to safeguard the environment with the support of the Prefecture of Pesaro Urbino. In this sense I would like to extend particular thanks to His Excellency the Doctor Prefect Emanuela Saveria Greco for the attention and sensitivity it places on these issues.”

Scart is the Hera group project that transforms waste into works of art. An artistic and communication project that transforms industrial waste into works of art, thanks to partnerships with artists and some of the most important Italian fine arts academies, including those of Milan-Brera, Florence, Bologna, Ravenna and Carrara. In the Scart laboratories and material libraries, waste takes the form of objects and furnishing accessories, paintings, theater sets or stage clothes, for example. Or human or animal statues, toys, musical instruments, in a list that could go on and on. In a quarter of a century of activity, over 1,000 works have been accumulated and exhibited in dozens of exhibitions throughout the country

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