Italy 24 Press News

Viterbo – Chaos Tari, majority against opposition: “Average increase of 7%, but price increases of up to 40% more”

The Tari bomb is ready to explode and traders are already on a war footing: they will be the ones to suffer the most severe price increases if solutions are not found

VITERBO – Tough clash between the majority and the opposition on the Tari issue, where the expected increases – as we had already announced – will be very heavy, even up to 40% as declared by Andrea Micci (Lega).

Although Budget Councilor Elena Angiani has repeatedly reiterated that the “average increase” will be around 7%, restaurants, bars, market stalls and fruit and vegetable shops will once again suffer the biggest blow. For them, the minority representatives declare, the expected increase will be 38%, excluding the provincial surtax.

The opposition’s request to the administration is once again to find a remedy, in any way, to avoid a “collapse of Viterbo’s economic system”. In fact, with this increase, many traders have already declared that they know how they will be able to move forward, in particular the bars, which have already suffered greatly from the increases in gas and electricity prices of the last two years.

“If the 38-40% increase is confirmed – declares a barista from the historic center – we might as well close, because the only other solution will be to further increase the cost of coffee and the like, something we would like to avoid”.

The increases, as the Frontini majority justifies, are not due to direct choices by the administration, but dictated by international crises such as war, which led to an increase in prices at all costs. In recent years, TARI increases for the people of Viterbo had been kept low thanks to the use of public resources. Now, however, it seems that the funds still available to the administration will not be sufficient to guarantee a reduction in price increases.

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