Italy 24 Press News

Campo: “The Fishermen’s Village of Manfredonia is a step forward started over 20 years ago”

Campo: “The Manfredonia Fisherman’s Village is a step forward that started over 20 years ago”

The Fishermen’s Village created in Manfredonia by the Port System Authority of the Southern Adriatic Sea and just inaugurated is the further step forward in the path started over 20 years ago in favor of fishing, unfortunately interrupted, for over two decades, by the short-sightedness of who cared about the fate of a small group more than that of the sector.

The structure built in the commercial port area offers companies in the fishing sector services and infrastructures useful for improving the quality of a very tiring job constantly exposed to commercial weather.

The Manfredonian navy, like almost all those in the Community Mediterranean, is suffering from the effects of a reorganization process, also due to the progressive reduction of the catch, which motivates even more the infrastructural investments, functional to increasing competitiveness, made by the Puglia Region and by Port System Authority.

The sober inauguration ceremony also provided me with the opportunity to personally thank the extraordinary commissioner Ugo Patroni Griffi, no longer such as of today, with whom I had the privilege of working on the redevelopment and relaunch of the entire port system manfredonian.

Thanks also to this synergy, we have tens of millions of euros available to improve the functionality of the Alti Fondane port and welcome cruise ships to the Molo di Ponente, activate the intermodal rail-ship exchange and erase the unused and useless conveyor belts from the horizon.

The next step will be the activation of the Customs Free Zone, with everything that will come from it in terms of development and employment.

Paul Field

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