Italy 24 Press News

“Logics of division between the parties prevailed”

“Faced with the new Council presented by President Cirio, we note that this time too the logic of division between the parties has prevailed with little attention to the competences and lack of autonomy of the President”.

This was declared by the regional secretary of the Democratic Party, and newly re-elected regional councillor, Domenico Rossi, commenting on the composition of the new regional council of Piedmont.

“He himself (Cirio, ed) in recent weeks he had made clear his desire to entrust healthcare to a coach close to him – commented Rossi – but he had to give in towards Fratelli d’Italia as he had already done towards the League in the last legislature. With the aggravating circumstance that Giorgia Meloni’s party first demanded the delegation and then left it in the hands of the newcomer because none of those who were already present in the Executive or Council in the last legislature wanted to take on the most onerous and burdensome commitment of responsibility”.

“The hope is that there is greater attention on the issue of public health – concluded the regional secretary of the Democratic Party – and that we put an end to the propaganda that characterized the previous five years to try to solve the problems that citizens encounter every day We hope that yet another commitment made publicly by Cirio to draw up a new socio-health plan will become reality, as we have been asking for some time, and that the problems linked to waiting lists and the emptying of local medicine will be seriously addressed. The new council will have to put in place solutions without spending time passing the buck to those who previously governed. This time the alibis are over.”

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