Italy 24 Press News

High voltage board. Travison between two fires


It was a first city council meeting full of sparks, and the following day both opposition groups spared no criticism of Mayor Francesca Travison. The angriest is the Scarlino Futura group leader, Monica Faenzi. “Truly a bad show for the citizens of Scarline – says Monica Faenzi -. I was defined as ‘crazy’ by the mayor who wore the tricolor sash during the first session of the legislature. At my request to maintain order, due to the stadium-like presence from some supporters of the mayor, there was a big denigrating applause towards me. It doesn’t surprise me: in the end, it was one of the many attacks against me. I still remember when Travison’s husband invited the candidates with a Facebook post mayor to carry out a drug test. I took it and it was obviously negative.” But it didn’t end here. “Following my second intervention – continues Faenzi – in which I reiterated that the opposition represents 60% of the electorate and I made some observations regarding the lack of circumstantiality of the delegations to the city councillors, the mayor railed against me, calling me crazy.” But Monica Faenzi has no intention of giving up. “We are here with firmness and harshness – she concludes – but with full respect for the institutions unlike others who have adopted a behavior that qualifies them”.

The position of Luca Niccolini (Scarlino Nel Cuore) is also critical. “In the first city council – he says – it seemed right and correct to make 360-degree considerations on the outcome of the elections and the future commitments of the Administration. But on several occasions we were prevented from speaking by taking away the floor and insinuating that that was not it was the place for political evaluations. If around 60% of voters did not trust the current mayor, perhaps we should also have listened more to those who represent that 60%. At a percentage level, we represent 39.9% of the electorate. which is why we will be a strong and determined opposition, certainly not a minority.” “We will carry forward – continues Niccolini – a tough opposition towards the administration, monitoring too many electoral promises. We will present a motion for the establishment of the planning commission, given that when I tried to justify this request I was mocked and derided”.

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