Italy 24 Press News

Volleyball Faenza, what a year: “We are an attractive hub”

Young and successful. A great sporting year for Volleyball Faenza has ended. The victory of the D series with a group of girls who grew up in the nursery and the C series which always lived a year as protagonists with the play offs vanishing at the last minute, are only the tip of the iceberg of a season which confirmed the club as one of the reference points of Romagna volleyball. “In two years we have brought to C a team made up entirely of girls from our youth sector – says vice president Daniele Ferrari – achieving the objective we set ourselves when we chose in 2022, to give up B2, but there is a an aspect that makes me even more proud. With the reform of sports law, which gave athletes the opportunity to release themselves every season, we have set up a work based on quality and it is wonderful to see how coaches proactively participate in the growth of the club, to take a common path, putting the club first. This project has led many coaches to ask to come and work in our club, making us an attractive center for volleyball.”

Regarding next season, the strategies are already clear “At the moment we have two C series and by regulation we will have to sell one. We will play the C series with a good part of the group that won the D plus some confirmed ones and we will still do the D with a staff made up of young people from the academy, from the girls of the First Division and from some of those who won it a few months ago. The technical coordination will still be by Giorgio Raggi, who did an excellent job in the men’s field together with Stefano Visani so much so that eight of our boys. they went on loan to Serie B and C, and to Loris Polo, who coached Serie D and was responsible for the women’s side. At youth level, we will have an Under 16 Excellence team, returning after many years to play in a championship where we will compete. with the best realities in the region”.

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