Italy 24 Press News

Bad weather, Zaia “Over 20 civil protection teams in action”

VENICE (ITALPRESS) – “Yesterday was a particularly difficult day because several areas of Veneto were hit by bad weather. After Rovigo and Polesine were hit by a tornado in the morning, heavy rainfall hit the piedmont area of ​​Castelfranco Veneto last night and overnight. The Avenale river overflowed, causing many floods. Over 20 Civil Protection teams were deployed and are still partly working to repair the damage caused by dozens of floods”.

This was declared by the President of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia, giving an overview of the situation with respect to the wave of bad weather that hit some areas of the region yesterday, from the Rovigo area to the Treviso foothills from Castelfranco to Castello di Godego, Resana and Riese Pio over 140 calls to the fire brigade for flooding. “We are confident in an improvement in weather conditions in the meantime the most critical situations are being resolved – reiterates Zaia – already yesterday we opened the declaration of state of emergency for what happened in Asiago on Sunday and in Rovigo yesterday morning. The provision will be extended to the areas affected yesterday evening. I reiterate my thanks to all those who are tirelessly working to support those who have been affected by the effects of the bad weather: from the Civil Protection to the regional technicians, from the Fire Brigade to the police and to those employed in the emergency vehicles” .- Photo: Fotogramma Agency -(ITALPRESS). pc/com 26-Jun-24 16:28 .

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