Italy 24 Press News

the video from above, the impressive images

Emilia-Romagna mourns one dead person after landslides and floods. In fact, on the evening of Tuesday 25 June, i fire fighters they recovered the body of a 85 years old near the Termina torrent, Neighbor Parma: he would have been surprised by the water, without being able to save himself. The situation is also critical in area from Modena, with the Secchia river flooded: The video from above it is dramatic, the pictures are impressive.

The video of the Secchia river flooding in Modena

A drone witnessed the situation in Modena, where the Secchia river, flooded, it flooded the floodplain areas between agricultural areas and some homes.

The images from above are truly impressive.

The image of the Secchia river, after the flood, in the Modena area

One dead in Parma, overwhelmed by the flood

In addition to damage to homes and fields, theEmilia Romagna the first one also cries victim.

Around 8pm on Tuesday 25 June, the firefighters recovered the body of a 85 years old near the Termina stream, a tributary of the Enza, which flooded in Traversetolo, near Parma.

The man had been missing since the morning, overwhelmed by the flood outside his housewithout being able to escape.

Orange alert in Emilia-Romagna

There Civil protection, in Emilia-Romagna, has issued a letter for Wednesday 26 Juneorange alert (24 hours ago it was red): no particular weather events are expected, even if isolated thunderstorms are not ruled out, but there is great attention for the transit of river floods in lowland areas.

The Secchia itself is under special observation in these hours.

Some bridges such as the Poplar to Saint Possidonio, the bridge Motta to Cavezzo and the bridge of Concord.

Photo source: ANSA

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