Italy 24 Press News

Healthcare, Vitri: «Coin-paying doctors earn three times more than employees, so the private sector is favored» – News Pesaro – CentroPagina

PESARO – Healthcare, controversy over the disparity of economic treatment of token doctors.

This was underlined by PD councilor Micaela Vitri: «I presented a question to the Council on the timing of disbursement of the ‘supplementary compensation for additional services of doctors and staff in the healthcare sector’. I wanted to solicit the commitments made by the Regional Council with the unions. I hope they will arrive by July, but the disparity with the “token holders” remains serious. In the response, the Health Councilor announced – specifies Vitri – that the supplementary salaries will already be paid by the month of July, as I asked for in the question. However, care was taken to explain that the resolution which allocates 5,120,000 euros for medical staff plus 2,048,000 euros for healthcare sector staff only concerns ‘extra’ services. For those ‘ordinary‘in fact it remains the sensational one disparity between employed professionals and cooperative token holders”.

Vitri specifies: «The Region brings into play the remuneration granted to the doctors of the cooperatives who work in the emergency rooms, stating in a note from the Council “that the remuneration levels of the employees and the token operators would be comparable”, thus imagining a certain justice between the two fees. It is best to explain instead – insists Vitri – that it is only about additional performance. Overtime is being asked of both doctors and the rest of the professionals in the sector, given that nothing changes for the 38 euros per week envisaged by the contract for employed doctors and the intolerable salary differences remain which I have, even today, asked to fight and hinder. It should be remembered that the employed specialist at the beginning of his career earns less than 20 euros net per hour, while a token operator gets more than triple and also pays less taxes as a beneficiary of a preferential tax treatment. The risk therefore – concludes Vitri – is that giving a contribution on overtime, which many are forced to refuse due to lack of time, without intervening on ordinary performances widens the gap of work and salary injustice between public personnel and the private one.”

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