Italy 24 Press News

«Yes, I hit my parents but I don’t know why»

FANO – The mother was strangled to death, the father…

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FANO – The mother was strangled to death, the father was killed with his head smashed. «Yes, I attacked my mother in the kitchen and then my father in the bedroom. I don’t remember how and I can’t say why.” This is essentially Luca Ricci’s confession on the double murder in Fano, made 24 hours after the terrible bloody event at number 127 via Fanella. The son of the elderly married couple did not speak of murder but confirmed that he had hit his parents in the night between last Sunday and Monday, in the interrogation conducted by prosecutor Maria Letizia Fucci in the premises of the public prosecutor’s office of Pesaro, in the presence of the judicial police led by the head of the flying squad Paolo Badioli. A partial and not entirely coherent admission of facts, interspersed with many lapses in memory, but sufficient, given the evidence of the mangled bodies of Giuseppe Ricci, known as Giorgio, 75 years old, and Luisa Marconi, 70 years old, for the chief prosecutor to sign , at 4 o’clock last night, the arrest order was issued against Luca Ricci, 49 years old, who had been formally registered a few hours earlier on the register of suspects, for the voluntary murder of his parents aggravated by the degree of kinship.

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