Italy 24 Press News

Even the Regional match in Umbria is in the hands of Ferdinandi

by Maurizio Troccoli

Never before could the center-left play an open game in the regionals. The two cities of the region, Terni and Perugia, unlike before, have expressed their contestability. Voting today in Terni would mean something very different from a few months ago. Perugia is there for all to see. Other parts of the region: Marsciano, Foligno, Bastia and Trasimeno indicate a trend.

Never before has the center-right been a weakened adversary. And the center-left cannot help but know that mistakes at this stage would be unforgivable. Which? Not understanding what the electorate is saying. Three things for everyone: it is important to awaken enthusiasm (people, if there is politics, participate). It is impossible to present a shorter coalition than the one seen in Perugia; the parties must take a step back, they too will come out better. Ah, there is a fourth: the candidate for the Regionals must be a child of the present and not trained on outdated balances and times.

The centre-right in Perugia faced the battle, proving to still be a very strong opponent. Whatever anyone says, no one can point to a candidate who would have received more votes than Scoccia, given the impossibility of nominating Romizi. The maximum power of that coalition, in the capital, is scientifically measurable. President Tesei has more than one difficulty in facing an electoral campaign for the regional elections: her party is in inexorable decline and issues such as healthcare which see her as primarily responsible for an impoverished Umbrian heritage, make clear to her allies the high risk of re-nomination. The Romizi option is still valid, although weakened. Having lost your municipality after ten years of administration, even with a dignified result, is not like presenting yourself as having been rewarded by the citizens. They didn’t like her second term and silence wasn’t enough. The majority party, FdI, which could still play some cards, like the representatives of other areas of the Region, would have more than one reason not to entrust him with the mission. What has happened in recent times, in terms of communication, would not suggest lukewarm profiles. In short, the centre-right, strategically, could be left to do everything on its own, to be of advantage to the centre-left.

Ferdinandi is instead the drawing through which the next dough passes. The electoral one, which cannot ignore what happened. Certain names made for the next regional elections in recent years appear to be calibrated to previous geological eras. From Rome, even before from Perugia, they could knock on his door, to reduce the margin of error. And she, to whom everyone, even her adversaries, recognizes the merit of having reawakened a political soul, as well as leadership, could respond to the nomenclature that there are two paths: either this heritage is valorised, under terms and conditions, or it is throw it in the air. Aware of having guiltily given up on it.

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