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Filippo Caccamo’s new comedy show in Cesena

2 million followers across Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Tik Tok. There is no Italian professor or student who doesn’t laugh every day with the videos of the comedian (and former middle school teacher) Filippo Caccamo, dedicated to the tragicomic world of school and who doesn’t then rush to get a ticket when the webstar’s show comes to town. The scene was repeated endlessly throughout the peninsula in 2023, with Caccamo having sold out around a hundred theaters with the show Tel Who Philip!

Now, new year, new show, and here we go The Philippics on stage in Cesena at the Chiostro San Francesco il June 27 (9pm) – tickets on: and on, circuits.

The tour of this show (conceived, written and directed by Filippo) already has impressive numbers, with more than 80 dates that will cover the capitals of the entire Italian territory. New episodes from the scholastic world are on stage and the ex-teacher’s point of view is therefore tinged with irony in a monologue format, to re-read anecdotes of daily delirium that occur every day in all Italian schools and in which everyone can identify: the suffering of teachers and students between tests and questions, essays written in green on squared paper, trips, class councils and online teachers’ colleges, PTOF, bureaucracy, lessons on meet, the IWB that doesn’t work, the book representative, the report with the fearsome secretariat and with the school collaborators. Anecdotes, tics, clichés, hyperboles that follow one another in a whirlwind of laughter are the backbone of the show, scenically armed with four large pillars that loom behind Filippo: presidency, secretariat, staff room and PC room! Everything is narrated live by the most famous school characters in Caccamo, such as the principal obsessed with bureaucracy, the elderly teacher who should already be retired, Carla who is the most impatient of all but who always brings the savory pie to the colleagues, etc.

However, if Caccamo, as a former teacher, was able to grasp the most tragically comic ideas of the scholastic world, as a thirty-year-old he also became an attentive, ironic and mocking observer of his own life today. So Le Filippiche lends itself to narrating the little big dramas of today’s thirty-year-olds: perpetually precarious, they have to survive the independence they have acquired, between heating to be turned down, phone calls to their father to understand an electricity bill, “big evenings” in clubs to be postponed for tiredness, digestion “which is no longer like it was at 18”, this unknown laundry, building renovations that make you lose sleep, etc. The new show is completed by Filippo’s musical parodies that are all the rage on the web: Maybe because we teach, Cursed first hour, Night before the exams, to name a few. “Last year I lived every actor’s dream: touring our country from sold out to sold out. It’s extraordinary to feel the same affection in person that I experience on social media. This year I want to reciprocate with a show that will give no respite and will make everyone laugh, well beyond the school gates, because, with the right comedic point of view, every aspect of our daily lives can make us laugh!” he commented.

Who is Filippo Caccamo

Graduated in History of Art and Cultural Heritage at the University of Milan, he is a comedian, author, influencer, YouTuber and content creator. Despite his young age, he has performed on important stages such as Zelig Lab, participated in two editions of the television program Eccezionale Veramente and on Colorado TV. At the cinema, he starred in I laugh because I love you by Paolo Ruffini and in I know everything about you by Roberto Lipari (

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