Italy 24 Press News

Lombardy Region approves membership of the program agreement

«Lombardy Region has approved the resolution which provides for adhesion to the Program Agreement, promoted by the Municipality of San Donato Milanese, to which the Ferrovie dello Stato Group has already joined. The program agreement is aimed at the implementation of the proposed variation to the PII in the San Francesco area of ​​San Donato Milanese which provides for the construction of the new AC Milan stadium”.

With the announcement of the Lombardy Region, the process that will bring AC Milan to San Donato to build the new proprietary facility seems increasingly defined: «The entire intervention is entirely the responsibility of the private proponent and does not present any financial burden for the Lombardy Region. The resolution delegates the councilor for Local Authorities, Mountain, Energy Resources, Water Resource Use, Massimo Sertori, to chair the sessions of the Committee for the Agreement”.

«We are asked to move forward – commented the president of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana – and we are moving forward. We will not be the ones to influence Milan’s choices. However, it seems to me that the determination to continue on this path is there, but I believe that Milan will also evaluate the proposal developed by We Build on the renovation of San Siro. But these are choices that do not concern the Region, we stick to the administrative paths aimed at supporting territorial valorization projects.”

«In the act approved by the regional council, councilor Sartori is given the delegation to participate in the work of the Committee for the Agreement – they explain from the Municipality of San Donato -. Committee that our mayor will convene as soon as the Metropolitan City responds to the invitation sent to them at the end of April. An answer which, based on recent discussions between the two Administrations, should arrive shortly. Following the appointment of the Committee, the Mayor will proceed to the composition of the Technical Secretariat, a body that will make the Program Agreement working table fully operational, an instrument to which the task of examining the areas identified by the Administration in support of the interest is delegated public relating to the variant proposal: infrastructure and transport, sports and social, energy and sustainability, economic and commercial, environment and landscape”.

“We are ready – comments the mayor Francesco Squeri – to get to the heart of the Program Agreement with the aim of tackling all the strategic aspects together to arrive at a hypothesis for the construction of the stadium capable of overcoming the critical issues that we as an Administration have highlighted from the beginning. Our belief remains firm that the construction of the stadium must represent an enhancement of the territory in which the relationship between costs and benefits leans significantly towards the latter. For this to happen, the Program Agreement will have to provide all the answers to the issues we have identified.”

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