Italy 24 Press News

Ilaria Salis and her father Roberto unmasked. Storm over the abusive honorable member

Power wears out those who don’t have it, Giulio Andreotti used to repeat. A giant, let’s be clear, compared to Ilaria Salis. Who, in a long post, tried to use (in his own way) one of the symbolic maxims of the former Prime Minister. The new MEP, convinced by the wonder duo, Nicola Fratoianni Angelo Bonelli, that he is (really) the new icon of the Italian left, is irradiating us daily with maxims with a profound and unmissable meaning. Political and human. In her new post, a boring and pathetic sermon, Salis returned to the topic that is giving her visibility. The new Avs star responded (indirectly) to the requests of Aler Milano, the public housing body which is asking her for 90 thousand euros in arrears and compensation for having illegally occupied an apartment. The defense of her actions is as dismissive as it is far from reality and common sense. The teacher even went so far as to argue that “whoever enters an uninhabited house takes without taking away anyone, except the degradation, the racket and the building owners”. On Instagram, Salis cites some numbers relating to vacant public housing in Milan to argue that “when an unassigned house is occupied, the accusation of taking the place away from a person on the waiting list simply doesn’t hold up.” However, the worst is yet to come. «Living in a squat is not a turning point, it is not something for clever people. It’s exhausting. It makes you live in fear every day that they will wake you up and throw you out.”

Read also: Ilaria Salis, Renzi the bully: “Poor thing… This left has legality problems”

In short, for the MEP, housing movements are “a bulwark of resistance against the barbarity of our society”. But it’s not enough. «Blaming the occupants for the collapse of public housing underlines either the bad faith of those who know well the pneumatic vacuum of housing policies, the incompetence of the managing bodies and the speculation on bricks, or the abysmal ignorance of those who have no never set foot outside the ring road. Of the two, frankly I don’t know which is worse.” The political figure who should make us forget the difficulties of Aboubakar Soumahoro has somewhat confused ideas about obligations, respect for the law and wear and tear. Physical and mental. Like what a very high number of Italian workers experience, for example. That proletariat, years ago the electorate of reference for the left, which today votes with conviction for the moderates. People who ardently dream of obtaining a council house with controlled rent. And they wait, hopefully, for their turn. Or those who, amidst a thousand doubts and many difficulties, manage to obtain a mortgage to buy an apartment. A daily wear and tear, due to the change in rates and, consequently, in the monthly installment to be paid.

Read also: Ilaria Salis, Undersecretary Molteni is furious: “Public housing? Shameful exit”

Yet these people do not occupy, do not steal, do not take what is not theirs. Among a thousand doubts, one great certainty: that of Salis is not a “bad” statement, of those said on television, during a talk show, while having a heated discussion with a political opponent. No. For the teacher from Monza, occupying houses, taking from those who are richer (the “building owners”) or from those who don’t use that property immediately, is a normal practice. Right, from a certain point of view. A return to the Seventies which, frankly, Italy really didn’t feel the need for. And in 2022 his father, Roberto Salis, said to Ivan Scalfarotto: «When you see private property you have to invade it».

Read also: Comrade Fratoianni preaches well and beats Souma-Salis

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