Italy 24 Press News

Rimini. Stabbings at the chiringuito in bathroom 44, the attack after complimenting a girl

Press review – Stabbings at the chiringuito, the attack after compliments to a girl. A 24-year-old Egyptian arrested, his friend released. They annoyed a 19 year old from Cesena. When her friends intervened to defend her, a violent brawl broke out

ANNA DE MARTINO – It was a harsh approach to a girl, annoyed by the insistent glances of two young Egyptians, the reason for Sunday’s quarrel at Bagno 44, where the evening ended with two injured and one arrested. The Sunday aperitif at the “Pura Vida” chiringuito, the first of the summer that has just begun, ended with the arrival of two State Police cars and a Gazelle from the Carabinieri from the right side of the Port. Suspended music, two bleeding boys lying on sunbeds, a 30-year-old Egyptian man beaten up and a stabber on the run. Excited moments began precisely with the unwanted appreciation of a girl. To tell the truth, the two Egyptians, aged 30 and 24, were kept under surveillance by the security of the chiringuito from the beginning of the evening because they were drunk and high to the point of appearing to be a danger to the customers. Despite the warning not to bother, the two, however, once again at the center of the scene, thought it best to rudely approach a 19-year-old girl from Cesena. One look too many, a slightly close appreciation and the girl’s friends reacted by pushing the two Egyptians away. (…)

Article taken from Corriere Romagna

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