Italy 24 Press News

Bradyseism, Case (M5S): “Musumeci stops passing the buck and takes action”

The Phlegraean deputy of 5 Star Movement Antonio Caso responded to the statements made a short while ago by the Minister for Civil Protection Nello Musumeci regarding the legislative decree Phlegraean Fieldsapproved by the Council of Ministers.

“From what can be seen from the circulating drafts of the second Campi Flegrei Decree, the measures that are intended to be adopted are once again insufficient. There is no Super Earthquake bonus, or an equivalent tool to make the territory resilient, there are no support measures for entrepreneurs and traders, there is no stop to taxes and duties. The contribution for the independent accommodation of displaced families is good, but the suspension of mortgages would be necessary”.

The Flegrean deputy he also spoke about interventions on public and private buildings and on infrastructure: “We are waiting for the definitive text of the provision to give an opinion, also on the extent of the resources actually made available, which at first sight are too small. However, the appointment of yet another commissioner leaves us with serious doubts…”.

“It’s serious that Musumeci – continues Caseyou blame the Phlegraean community for the urban development, defining it as ‘unreasonable and without control’. Over the last 40 years, there have been governments and administrations of the centre-left, center and centre-right and he, together with his colleagues in the majority and government, are certainly not the latest arrivals”.

Finally, he concludes Case: “I remind the Minister that the Berlusconi governments have issued two amnesties which have done nothing but encourage illegal building, and not only in the Campi Flegrei. There are many areas at risk in Italy where construction has taken place in an unreasonable way and catastrophes have occurred, it is out of place to blame the population. So stop passing the buck and work to urgently provide effective responses to citizens.”

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