Italy 24 Press News

The “Just think about it” campaign of the Sicilian Region and the HCV Sicily Network against hepatitis C begins

The campaign of the Sicilian Region and the HCV Sicily Network against hepatitis C comes to life, a silent and too often forgotten disease which affects, according to estimates, 20 thousand unaware Sicilians.

“Just think about it” is the slogan of the campaign, chosen to clearly say that today there are simple and effective treatments that allow us to beat this silent disease before it manifests itself and leads to serious consequences.

With an extremely simple and completely free test you can discover it and treat it with the possibility of recovery reaching almost 100%.

With the publication on social media of the video “Leave your past alone” the direct contact through social media that the campaign wants to create between Sicilians and the system of prevention, diagnosis and approach to treatment begins.


An awareness campaign, therefore, which starts from the video, in which a well-known and recognizable actor in Sicily such as Sergio Vespertino plays the role of the conscience of each of us. A conscience that looks to the future, to the safety of treatment and to the reduction of risk, and invites, with the phrase “Leave your past alone”, not to dwell too much on the past and on what could have been done better.

The video examines behaviors that in the past have been possible carriers of contagion risks and ends by inviting tests to be treated quickly and avoid transmitting the disease.

The invitation, therefore, if you were born between 1969 and 1989, is to take a completely free test quickly and easily. It involves taking a single, completely free blood sample which can be carried out in any affiliated public or private analysis laboratory, i.e. in hospitals or in any of the almost 700 sampling points of the 320 analysis laboratories affiliated with the health system in the Sicilian region. No prescription or prescription is needed. Simply show up and ask to undergo screening for Hepatitis C. The result of the test will be communicated to the interested party in an equally simple, fast and discreet way through an SMS sent to the number chosen by the person at the time of the sampling.

For any information on sampling points or any other news, there is also a specific website online where you can find the list of sampling points where you can undergo the test. An easy-to-consult list to find the laboratory closest to your home or work wherever you live in Sicily, including mountain areas and islands.

Simply connect to the website to acquire any type of information.

And after the test? What if I find out I have Hepatitis C without knowing it? No worries. The therapy available today is simple, quick and completely painless, manageable by continuing with your everyday life.

It involves taking a drug orally according to the indications of the reference centers. A simple pharmacological treatment that will solve the problem.

Suffice it to say that between 2015 and 2023 the HCV Network treated almost 18,000 patients with hepatitis C in Sicily. The therapy shows success rates of almost 100%. In short, total recovery is practically certain thanks to the test and the discovery made before the disease manifested itself.

No inconvenience and no risk, therefore, there are no more excuses for saying “And what did I know” as stated in another of the key messages of the campaign which will continue with other steps always to invite you to take the simple, fast and completely free test to take safe against Hepatitis C.

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