Italy 24 Press News

Viterbo, Province: vice-presidency to the PD and strong delegations to the Frontinians: Romoli (FI) towards the agreement

A rainbow alliance is looming for President Alessandro Romoli, who would miss the opportunity to create the “trouble” between Europe, Region and Province

VITERBO – A continuation of Forza Italia – PD government is expected at the Provincial headquarters in Palazzo Gentili where President Alessandro Romoli, according to several rumors, is now very close to assigning the delegations with a strong support from the Frontinians ( Umberto Di Fusco and Maria Rita De Alexandris), new government allies.

The conditions for these agreements also confirm what has been expected for some time, with the mayor Chiara Frontini’s increasingly close proximity to the president of the Province. Not enough, however, to obtain the position of vice president for one of its elected officials, which would remain firmly in the hands of the Democratic Party, in council with 4 elected representatives (Lina Delle Monache, Maurizio Palozzi, Giulia De Santis and Pietro Nocchi). It is no coincidence, perhaps, that at the first session of the new provincial council Pietro Nocchi himself defined himself as vice president. Certainly a slip of the tongue, but also a sort of “prophecy” that can hardly be denied.

If these predictions were to be confirmed, Fratelli d’Italia would obviously raise the barricades, thanks to its 4 elected men (Luca Profili, Maurizio Zacchini, Luca Giampieri and Nello Campana), but also to the enormous amount of votes received in the recent administrative elections, which seen the Melonian party consolidate in Tuscia. The forecast therefore sees a strong opposition against the new multicolored alliance of FI-PD and Frontiniani in the Province, an alliance that does not fail to send the center-right into a tailspin at a territorial level, where between the Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia it seemed instead to finally peace has returned.

One wonders why, at this point, Romoli was unable to positively evaluate the other possibility which would have instead reunited the center-right also at Palazzo Gentili. Assigning the vice-presidency to the Melonians, in fact, would have created a more unique than rare opportunity for the territory, especially now, with the arrival of Antonella Sberna (FdI) at the European Parliament.

A Europe-Government-Region-Province alignment that could only happen again in 100 years and which, if the rumors were confirmed, could fade away. A loss that would weigh heavily on the area.

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