Italy 24 Press News

25 “crafty” janitors reported in the Treviso area

TREVISO – Hired with false qualifications: 25 school “smart people” reported by the Finance Department. These are ATA personnel who exhibited fake diplomas, granted by “diploma factories” in Campania, illicitly bypassing the candidates in good standing in the general ranking. With this expedient they secured an employment contract in various schools in Treviso, in the two-year period 2018-2020. The suspects (school workers, administrative and technical assistants) have already been fired and will now have to answer criminally for ideological falsehood. A crime punishable by imprisonment of up to two years.

The investigation

The investigation conducted by the Treviso financial police is an offshoot of the 2021 “101 cum laude” operation. On that occasion, 101 people were unmasked who had shown false qualifications in the competition announced by the MIUR for the hiring of school staff. Diplomas and qualifications had been issued by two private institutes in Campania. From the investigations, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Nocera Inferiore, it had in fact emerged that these institutions, managed by “fixers” orbiting in the world of private schools, were nothing more than mere “diploma factories” and not, therefore, school complexes active in the provision of regular educational activities.

Three years later, another 25 irregular positions emerged, resulting in the same number of complaints.


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The Gazzettino

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