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Aversa, after the final exams the students meet on the grave of the dead teacher

The teacher passed away over a year ago. The fifth F of the Jommelli High School of Aversa, after the Maturity, decided to pay homage to her, going to her grave.

They have never forgotten her and their gesture, immediately after the final exams, is a confirmation of this. Ad Aversain the province of Caserta, the students of the fifth F of the Jommelli High Schoolimmediately after learning the results of their high school exams, they went to the cemetery and met at the grave of Michela Ferrante, their Italian and Latin teacherwho passed away suddenly a year and a half ago, in December 2022, at the age of 55.

The one who told the story and shared the shot of the students gathered in silence, with their heads bowed, on the tomb of their never forgotten teacher was the professor Enza Piconewho wrote on Facebook:

Some bonds never break. It happens rarely, but it happens that the love of and for a person continues, even in their absence. And that’s how a class of girls and boys in their fifth year of high school, decide, as soon as they know the results of their final exams, to go and share it with someone who is no longer here, with their Italian and Latin teacher, who left too soon and too quickly. This photo is not meant to show off very intimate feelings. It wants to show, if there was still a need, the extraordinary nature of a woman and a teacher, Michela Ferrante, who continues to be loved and remembered by her students

Professor Picone’s post continues:

Dioxins and furans increased 12-fold in the air after the fire in Aversa

This photo wants to show that, when school works, teenagers are able to develop sensitivity and deep emotional skills, welcoming pain to transform it into mature and conscious growth. This photo is also my very personal pride: none of my students complained or was surprised by the grade they received but they all asked me to be there, for the last time, with them, in silence, with shining eyes, each with their own memory. Michela, we did a good job: today in front of me there were men and women who will always carry with them what we taught them, the wonder of life, the passion of ideas and the will to change

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