Italy 24 Press News

Terni: Province approves renewal of the agreement with the Region for the control of fishing and hunting

The Provincial Council has approved the renewal of the agreement that regulates relations between the Umbria Region and the Province of Terni for specific supervision and control activities in fishing and hunting matters.

On the basis of the agreement, the Province, through the Provincial Police, will continue to carry out monitoring, verification and control functions regarding hunting and fishing activities throughout its territory.

The agreement, which has an annual duration, is part of the collaboration between the Region and the Provinces to carry out functions of great importance and impact on the territories that the Region itself delegated to the provincial bodies before the Delrio law.

In this regard, in the Council, when approving the renewal, the President underlined the importance of the agreement and made known the continuous institutional commitment towards the Region to ensure the Province has adequate resources to carry out its functions, also recalling the importance of the involvement of associations and the role of the ATC in hunting matters.

During the last year the activity of the Provincial Police has been very intense with over 150 interventions for checks, inspections and checks on fishing and hunting matters. Specifically, the police carried out supervisory activities on the application of legislation on the protection of wild fauna and hunting and collaborated in the implementation of specific wildlife control and management operations.

He oversaw the coordination of the supervisory activities of the voluntary hunting and fishing security guards and carried out supervision on the application of the regulations for the protection of the fish heritage, controlling the activities connected with wildlife management and with the authorizations issued by the Region.

It has also carried out checks following reports of irregularities, collaborating in the implementation of programs and technical interventions and specific projects also of community interest.

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