Italy 24 Press News

Ballot in Bari, the turnout at 12 was 9.52 percent: in the first round (there was also voting for the European elections) it had reached 21.3

In Bari the turnout was 9.52 percent Vito Leccese (centre-left) e Fabio Romito (centre-right) to elect the mayor who will replace Antonio Decaro. In the first round, two Sundays ago, it was 21.3 percent. This is the lowest figure among those of the five regional capitals voting: the others are (Perugia 15.54 percent), Florence (12.45), Potenza (11.50) and Campobasso (11.37).

There are a total of eight Apulian municipalities on the ballot. Polling stations open until 11pm, while on Monday from 7am to 3pm. The counting of ballots will then begin. In Bari the challenge is between Leccese and Romito: the former came close to winning in the first round with 48.02 percent of the votes (73 thousand 735 preferences) and his opponent instead stopped at 29.12 (44 thousand 709 preferences). Leccese was supported in the first round by seven lists, including the Pd and the Greens, to which are now added the six of Michele Laforgia, 5 Star and YES candidate. Romito was able to count on the support of nine lists, including Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, UDC, Noi Moderati. The symbol of the League is absent despite Romito being a member of the Northern League. In the first round (when there was also voting for the European elections) the turnout was 58.17 percent, for a total of 145 thousand 985 votes out of 278 thousand 609 eligible residents.

In Lecce clash between Adriana Poli Bortone for the centre-right (10 lists in support), which missed victory in the first round by 24 votes, which was the number needed to obtain 50 percent + 1, and the outgoing mayor Carlo Salvemini (nine lists) of the centre-left. For the definitive result, the two candidates had to wait for the end of the verification procedures by the Electoral Commission to verify some inconsistencies in the minutes filed relating to four sections. Poli Bortone obtained 49.95 percent of the votes (24 thousand 749 preferences) and Salvemini 46.73 percent (23 thousand 430 votes). Of the 78 thousand 42 total voters, 68.53 percent went to the polls in the first round in Lecce. The other six municipalities on the ballot are Putignano and Santeramo in Colle in the Bari area; Copertino in Salento; Manfredonia, San Giovanni Rotondo and San Severo nel Foggiano.

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