Capuano: “This is why I stayed”

Taranto starts again with Ezio Capuano. During the press conference, the coach had the opportunity to answer journalists’ questions. From his stay on the Ionian coast to building the squad for the next tournament: various topics were discussed by the coach from Pescopagano.

“I think I am a man of honor and I say this with great pride. It would have been easy for me not to be here after what I have done in the last two years – Capuano states at the beginning – but, as I have said many times, there are situations that go beyond. I stayed in Taranto for two reasons: for the strong will of the owners and for the unlimited love of the people of Taranto towards me. On my phone there are proposals from many teams, it is also normal to be paid attention to by others. It would have been too easy to leave as great winners. I know that the expectations are very high and the commitment will be even harder. I know that I am in one of the most beautiful and warmest squares in Italy, on my part there will be a very notable commitment to try to bring those people back where they deserve. I have heard many heresies in recent weeks. I am here to tell all the truths to the people of Taranto”.

Among the hottest topics is the failure to remain Vannucchi, who wore the captain’s armband for Taranto in the last tournament: “I took him the night we returned from the away game against Turris. On the bus I decided to change the goalkeeper, without telling anyone. In the morning I called him, together with the director Evangelisti, asking for his availability: I’m signing a two-year contract. He’s one of the players I’ll remember most fondly, we had extended Vannucchi’s contract for another two years in the presence of his agent, Giovanni Galli. After a month, we learn that this contract was never filed: we continued until the end of the championship. When I started working for Taranto, having to build the team, I made the first phone call to Galli and then to Vannucchi because I wanted to start again with him, one of the symbolic players of Taranto, as well as one of the most important men we had here. I realized very immediately that the expectations of the boy and his entourage were to try a higher category, therefore there was no margin for Vannucchi to stay in Taranto. It is a legitimate choice of the boy. Loliva also called me and asked me to have an experience as a starter. Replacing Vannucchi will not be easy and we worked, when we realized that the conditions were not there, to find a group of goalkeepers. My first intention was to find the goalkeeper, who will be announced very soon. It was the most difficult role to fill and we were not caught unprepared, also because I had to replace one of the most important players. On Tuesday we will announce the new goalkeeper”.

Capuano’s permanence is linked to two aspects. Stadium and technical project: “I spoke with the president and asked him about two situations. The first is the pitch: it is crucial to have full stands. I would never have stayed with a scaled-down project, even if Jupiter had chained me: all the bullshit (literal, ed.) that has been said and written has never been communicated by the president. I also heard the Minister of Sport say that Taranto would play at the Iacovone with its spectators. For me in C the playing time is the most disastrous thing that can exist. I have heard of 4/500 thousand euros. Two years ago we took 184,000€ by having young people play all the games. This morning another team in B asked us for Enrici. To plan a playing time, which I would never do in Taranto, you need to have an important youth sector behind you and with a youth team, not the squalid one of this year, where you can insert players of your own where you can take 140%. Juve Stabia won with two players like Romeo and Leone: I would have spent a lot of money to take Romeo, but they didn’t bring him. In Taranto I haven’t heard of capital gains. Kanoute? When I took him, he was off the list from Avellino, who contributed significantly to him leaving. When the agent showed up, during the negotiation, I was asked to insert a clause: Kanoute has never scored 13 goals in his career. We raised it and today I put a medal on my chest because Kanoute, who had been left out by the Irpini, has given his contribution to our team and brings us yet another capital gain”.

Capuano talks about the market in all its aspects: “I will start again from the three-man defense, taking flexible and functional players so that we can change the game system even during the game. I will try to sign interchangeable players. Montalto? He is a Casertana player, then anyone can arrive in this place”. Among the prized pieces of Taranto there is Calvano: “He has a contract with us, he is essential and non-transferable. Real Madrid can also come, but he will not move from here. He is our player, we will keep him close together with Ferrara. We must reassure those who love Taranto and those who live for this shirt. Antonini had been asked by Catania, Trapani and Crotone: when Catanzaro arrived, we also had to think about his career and the boy’s dream”.

Taranto will not dismantle the team that performed well last season: “Dismantling means making choices, those who make choices assume responsibility for the choices and will have to account for them to an entire city. Being subject to choices does not mean not intervening, I am referring to Vannucchi and Kanoute. They are two opposite situations: with Vannucchi there was a contract in place. Taranto’s firm will was to bring him back here. Kanoute took advantage of a clause where we were very clever in raising it when no one believed in him. Bifulco is under contract with Taranto, there are other players whose contracts are expiring but we are evaluating. Luciani and Miceli? I spoke with Luciani’s agent, Taranto’s intention is to keep him but marriages are made in two. Miceli is a player owned by Turris, who behaved very well: he is an important player because I knew his qualities. I am convinced that he would do the impossible to return and we are interested. Orlando I called him and I also spoke to his agent, with Blacksmith there is a discussion that has been started and the intention is to maintain it. By Brands he is one of our players, if we have signed him for two years we believe he can be functional”. Taranto will return From Santis and Crecco after the related loans: “Let’s not do anything crazy, we only did it for one player who then left. They have a normal contract for the category, they are two good players who left because they didn’t fit with the project and we will try to find a solution this year too, as it’s not part of my plans”.

In the technical staff, two small changes: “I will have a new technical assistant, who will be mister Marino (former coach of the Primavera, ed.) while Zangla will be my assistant. Professors Rizzo and Circelli will collaborate with us while, at Marinacci’s request, we will change the goalkeeping coach”.

Pietro Armenise

Speaking of the Primavera and youth sector, Taranto has also made Pietro Armenise official, the new manager: “We’re starting from scratch, there’s a very important path to take. Talking about young people is a sore point, we need to rebuild everything. I’m particularly excited because the president has given me the opportunity to be part of a glorious club. I specifically wanted coaches who had worn the Taranto jersey and who had played professionally, to give a sense of belonging. When I came to play in Taranto I had goosebumps, I have a lot of respect for glorious clubs. There will be four teams: the Primavera 3 in addition to the Under 17, 16 and 15 teams. There will also be two teams that will play Under 13 and 12 championships to give continuity to the professional championships. The Primavera will be led by Cazzarò, the Under 17 by Latartara, Arzeni for the Under 16 and Mazzola for the Under 15. I took these coaches because only a former footballer can teach the technical gesture. We will work to give a sense of revaluation of the territory. We had the opportunity to make the affiliation with Virtus Taranto of Fabio Buonafede, which boasts over 500 children. I will also try to have interpersonal relationships with all the companies in the territory”.

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