Italy 24 Press News

The trial of the 53-year-old arrested for mistreatment of his family is underway

Palazzo Torres, seat of the Trani court, in Piazza Duomo

The trial involving a 53-year-old man from Andria, who was arrested last January for family mistreatment and persecutory acts, has begun before the Criminal Court of Trani. The accused had been found, on board his car and near the home of those who probably would have been his victims, in possession of a knife approximately 38 centimeters long. On that occasion he told the police that he would use it to kill his adult daughter and his wife, from whom he is separated.

The reporting
It was the manager of a recovery center for alcoholics in the city who raised the alarm, reporting to the police operations center that he had received some messages on WhatsApp from a user of the centre, the 53-year-old in question, who had confided to him the his intentions. At that point the military had tracked him down, while the two women had been made safe.

The hearing
At the opening of the trial there was the constitution of the parties, including the civil one (the only one) by the ex-wife, who is legally assisted by the lawyer Simona Aduasio. The public prosecutor in charge of the file is Dr. Giovanni Lucio Vaira.

The man from Andria (currently detained in prison) will be judged with the abbreviated trial conditioned on the psychiatric evaluation. Among the charges, in addition to mistreatment and persecutory acts, there are also possession of a weapon and damage to the woman’s vehicle.

The next hearing has been set for Friday 12 July. On that same occasion, the task will also be given to the expert appointed by the court in order to ascertain the defendant’s capacity of understanding and will at the time of the facts.

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