Italy 24 Press News

Viterbo – The wild boar emergency is growing, 18 “increasingly larger” specimens in via Monte Sacro

Municipal and provincial administrations continue to underestimate the problem, leaving citizens at the mercy of ungulates

VITERBO – The wild boar emergency in the City of Popes, once a tourist destination but today a “wildlife” destination, continues to grow and does so in every sense. A new sighting of a large family of ungulates has allowed citizens to count 18 specimens.

The large group was spotted in Via Monte Sacro, an area under daily siege by wild boars who now, as can be seen from the image, seem to be the masters.

As always, residents are exasperated and report more and more inconveniences day by day. “There is a lot of concern and it is not normal to have to wait for an entire family of wild boars to decide to leave in order to get into the car and go to work,” declares a citizen who promptly meets the large family near her parking space.

“The administration has forgotten us – reports another person – and unfortunately until the bad thing happens, they won’t take this problem seriously”. A consideration that has been made several times by the citizens of Viterbo who are now used to seeing enormous groups of wild boars even in the center, as happened near Via Marconi, but also in Prato Giardino, just a few days ago, with a family of ungulates who decided to take a walk in the city park.

However, no good news seems to be coming from the administration, as well as from the Province. There had been talk of targeted culls, but everything is still at a standstill and no one – in the administration – seems sure what will happen in the coming months. Certainly the wild boars will not stand by and will continue to proliferate, continuing to endanger their lives and those of citizens.

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