Italy 24 Press News

Four Altars in Torre del Greco, emerging groups outside the event. The Forum’s thrust: «Young people ignored»

Four Altars in Torre del Greco, emerging groups outside the event. The Forum’s thrust: «Young people ignored»

Greek’s tower. «The return of the Four Altars festival was supposed to represent an opportunity to bring young people closer to the history and traditions of our city. Instead, all our proposals were ignored by the artistic director Gigi Di Luca.” The speaker is Alfredo Izzo, president of the Youth Forum of Torre del Greco.

«As a representative of the youth organization I participated in the “preparatory” meetings for the Four Altars festival promoted by the municipal administration – says Alfredo Izzo – and on that occasion I proposed to the artistic director a series of initiatives to promote emerging musical groups in the area , in order to offer young people a real opportunity for growth and contact with the public: Gigi Di Luca replied that such events would be a loss of style, because the territory does not produce”.

A response capable of triggering inevitable embarrassment and discontent among those who, not without difficulty, try every day to involve young people – really and not just by talking – in city activities. «I had put forward the proposal of a musical event with local groups to optimize the expenses already foreseen for stages and services and thus allow young people to have their own space at no cost to the municipal coffers – concludes Alfredo Izzo -. We were disappointed, but this “hiccup” does not change our desire for collaboration. Responding to a specific request from the mayor, we made ourselves available to the municipal administration to promote the events of the Quattro Altari exhibition through social media.”

In short, young people involved as “galloppini” and not as protagonists of the historic city event.

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