Italy 24 Press News

Modica. The disinfestation calendar has been drawn up

The calendar of the first round of the disinfestation campaign in Modica has been announced; the interventions will be from midnight to 5 in the morning, starting from Monday 24 June, until 28 June, in all areas of the city, urban and extra-urban, in the hamlets, in order to make the summer peaceful for residents and those they will come to our area to spend their holidays. “As the municipal administration of Modica, declared Samuele Cannizzaro, councilor for Ecology: we have planned, together with the Mayor and our Ecology Office, in perfect line with the scheduled times, the interventions throughout the territory and already in the night between Sunday and Monday , we will start from Montesano until we reach Modica Alta. Little by little, we will intervene in every corner of the City of Modica, according to an action plan already drawn up in this first round. The recommendation is not to water green areas, lawns and anything else on the day of the disinfestation intervention, so as not to nullify the effectiveness of the product used and make the intervention useless”.
– June 24th from 00.00 to 5.00
– C.da Montesano, San Giacomo, Villa Barco, Via Bussello, Via Cellina, Frigintini Centro Inhabited, Via Gianforma, Via Calanchi, Via Campanella, purification plant of C.da Cucco, C.da Scalonazzo, Torre Pallazzelle, C. from Pozzo Cassero, Via Roma, C.da Fasana, San Giugiuzzo, Via Modica Giarratana to the fuel station, Via Vanella 9 and 11, Inhabited area adjacent to the PalaRizza, Sicilia, Via Modica Giarratana, Via Modica Giarratana, Vanella 11 , Vanella 9, C.da Fasana, Via S. Bartolo Addolorata, Via Catagirasi, Via Toscanini, Viale Manzoni and neighboring side streets, Via Loreto and neighboring side streets, Via Loreto Gallinara up to the Polara factory, Viale Manzoni, Via Don Bosco, Church of Santa Maria del Gesù, Via Botta, Via Roma, Sicilia, Via Modica Giarratana up to the Griglia D’Oro, Principessa Maria del Belgio, Via Gesù and neighboring side streets, Regina Margherita and neighboring side streets, P .zza S. Teresa, Regina Elena, V. Emanuele, Via Nino Barone, San Giorgio, Via Fontana and former slaughterhouse area
June 25th from 00.00 to 5.00
The entire inhabited center of the hamlet of Zappulla, ASI areas, the IRSAP wastewater treatment plant in the Maganuco district and surrounding areas, marshy areas near the Hotel Cabrera, the entire inhabited center of the hamlet of Maganuco, Punta Regilione, Via of the Laghetto with neighboring areas and side streets, Via Lipari and neighboring side streets, Strada Provinciale Pozzallo Sampieri under municipal jurisdiction, inhabited area Oasi dei Re, Via Verrazzano and the entire inhabited center of Marina di Modica;
June 26th from 00.00 to 5.00
Ponte S. Giuliano, San Elena, C.da Pietre Nere, C.da Trebalate, Cava Ispica, archaeological area Cava Ispica, C.da Cannizzara, C.da Passo Parrino, C.da Bosco Cavette Serrameta, c.da Serrameta, San Marco Mista, C.da Violicci, Ponte San Giuliano, Cozzo Rotondo, C.da Torre Rodosta Calicantone, Via Trapani Rocciola and neighboring side streets, Via Trani and neighboring side streets, Via Nazionale, Via Caitina, Monserrato area, School area, Viale Fabrizio , Via Silla and neighboring streets, Via M. Scevola, Via Silla, Via Duilio, Via Romolo, Via Nazionale, Stadio V. Barone and surrounding areas, Piazza Libertà, Via S. Cuore and streets, Piazzale Tribunal, Via R. Partigiana and neighboring streets, Via Risorgimento and neighboring streets.
June 27th from 00.00 to 5.00
Mulino San Filippo, Chiesa S. Filippo at the end of the villa subdivision, C.da Quartarella up to the tobacconist, Via Sorda Sampieri, Via Modica Ispica with neighboring streets and up to the curve called Gigi Olivari, Zona Artigianale, Via Michelica (crossing the Cavallo company and Abate), C.da Musebbi, former SS 115 and neighboring side streets, C.da Treppiedi Sud, C.da Treppiedi Nord, Via Sorda Scicli, C.da Pirato Grande, Cava Maria, Zona San Luca (near the Church of S Luca), Bar Fuchsia.
June 28th from 00.00 to 5.00
Municipal Cemetery C.da S. Antonio Piano Ceci, Via Mantegna Idria, Via S. Benedetto up to the intersection with Via Modica-Ragusa, Via S. Benedetto, Via Dente Crocicchia, C/da Piano Ceci, Via Pluchino, C.da Scardacucco , Via Dente Crocicchia, (Zona Dente) Via Ruffino, Via R. Cascino, Via D. Chiesa, Via G. Modica, Via Oberdan, Slargo Via Nuova S. Antonio, Via M. Pulino, Via Stazione Zona Railway Station, Via V. Veneto, Via Fiumara, purification plant in c.da Fiumara, continue up to the church, Viale M. D’Oro, P.zza C. Rizzone, Via V Veneto, Via Tirella up to Ponte S. Giuliano, Via Mercè, Via Gerratana up to Ponte Passo Gatta, Viale Quasimodo, Umberto, P.zza C. Rizzone, P.zza Campailla, Quartiere San Paolo, Garibaldi, Via Napoli, Umberto.
Below is the link to click to find out the dates, times and areas of disinfestation:


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