Italy 24 Press News

Ragusa. 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Guardia di Finanza: commemoration of the fallen of Porto Ulisse during the Allied landing in Sicily

NoAs part of the initiatives planned on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Corps, Friday 21 June 2024, it was held in Porto Ulisse, a hamlet of the municipality of Ispica (RG), a ceremony to commemorate the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza who fell during the Anglo-American landing of 1943 in Sicily, near the monument erected in memory of Operation Husky.

On the night between 9 and 10 July 1943, Canadian troops landed at Porto Ulisse. Here the financiers who manned station 56 called “Castelluzzo”, located near the building of the Guardia di Finanza Brigade, they put up vigorous resistance which cost the lives of four Fiamme Gialle (Brigadier Lorenzo Greco, Financier Emanuele Giunta, Sea Financier Pietro Nuvoletta and Sea Financier Raffaele Bianca) who, for their valor in facing an adversary superior in strength, equipment and volume of fire, were decorated for Military Valor “in memory ” with one silver and three bronze medals.

At the ceremony, during which a laurel wreath was laid in memory of all the fallen and a moment of contemplation was observed, attended by the Regional Commander of the Guardia di Finanza, Division General Cosimo Di Gesù, the Prefect of Ragusa, HE Dr. Giuseppe Ranieri, the highest civil and military authorities of the province as well as a representation of financiers in service of the land and sea contingent and on leave from the ANFI Section of Ragusa.

At the end of the event, those present were able to visit the barracks dedicated to “Brig. Lorenzo Greco”, active until 7 August 2006 and headquarters of the then Corps Brigade, inside which a sober photographic exhibition was set up which traces some moments of the “operational life” of the Department.

The structure will be affected by renovation works, which will allow its redevelopment and use as summer accommodation for Corps personnel.

June 21, 2024 | 12.54pm

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