Italy 24 Press News

Italian asks Holm for his Bologna. Spezia wants eight million and Raimondo

Next Monday could be the decisive day for Emil Holm’s transfer to Bologna. The head of the Aquilotta technical area Eduardo Macia (returning to Italy) and the sporting director Stefano Melissano will meet with the head of the Bologna technical area Giovanni Sartori and Marco Di Vaio, to discuss the passage of the strong Swedish side, expressly requested by Vincenzo Italiano. Spezia, thanks to the interest of Juventus, Inter and Genoa itself in the player, aims to achieve a figure of around 10-12 million euros, Bologna seems willing to reach 8 million, perhaps by including the youngster in the negotiation Antonio Raimondo. The feeling is that a meeting point could be reached for a figure of around eight million euros, perhaps with a payment spread over several years, on the model of Nzola at Fiorentina or, more concretely, with the formula of the loan with obligation of ransom. As a corollary, the La Spezia managers will ask for information on the possibility of transferring the talented Raimondo to Liguria, who scored nine goals last year with Ternana, owned by Bologna. Twenty years old, crystalline class, physically powerful, capable of attacking depth, he would be the ideal striker to partner with Giuseppe Di Serio, even if it is necessary to point out that this is a truly difficult objective to achieve.

In fact, his agent Giuseppe Galli aims to place him in Serie A, thanks to an explicit interest from Parma. Bologna could mediate by checking with the athlete the possibility of accepting the Spezia destination which would allow him to grow further in a difficult championship like the cadetteria, consecrating himself in view of the subsequent passage to Serie A. But it is clear that the last word will be up to the boy, who, faced with an attractive request from Serie A, will hardly say no. It being understood that the ambitious Frosinone and Sampdoria have also had their sights set on the Ravenna striker. The sale of Dragowski to Panathinaikos is on hold, even if there is optimism about the success of the deal; the positions of Bastoni and Zurkowski with Empoli are to be defined. Finally, many positive comments from white fans, in the various web groups, on the hypothesis regarding the return to the old name Spezia Football Club 1906, at the same time as the change of logo. A technically feasible operation, as confirmed by legal experts in sports law.

Fabio Bernardini

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