Italy 24 Press News

Abuser sells drinks at Poetto, huge fine: “A swimmer filmed me and alerted the officers”

Cooler bag seized and five thousand euro fine to be paid for selling drinks at Poetto in Cagliari without the required license. Sandro Sedilesu, unemployed from Cagliari, “I get by doing odd jobs, even leafleting”, knows he made a mistake but also knows he can’t afford to pay such a sum: “I don’t have all that money”. When the local police officers intervened last June 4th, Sedilesu was with a friend: “We were drinking a beer, they told me they received a video, taken with a cell phone by a citizen just as I was selling.” An overwhelming proof, in short, and the blow was useful: “Of course, I am in disbelief and it hurts me that a person could make a film that contributed to cutting off my legs. I get by doing odd jobs, including leafleting.”

It is likely that Sandro Sedilesu will remain distant from Poetto for some time: “But I want to ask for a helping hand from anyone who can give it to me. I will never be able to pay five thousand euros, I don’t have a permanent job. Anyone who can help me with some offers can directly use my Iban code IT28Y3608105138292390992391″.

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