Italy 24 Press News

Convicted for 64 thefts committed in Lower Piedmont between 2022 and 2023

Seven sentenced to sentences ranging between one and eight years in prison

Asti convictions – Last year, between 26 July and 13 September, the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Cuneo Operations Department arrested 9 people on orders issued by the investigating judge at the Court of Asti.

All part of a criminal association aimed at home burglaries, the improper use of payment instruments and the falsification of license plates, accusing them of having committed 64 home burglaries committed in the Cuneo area and in the province of Alessandria and Asti in the period included between December 2022 and July 2023.

The investigation, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Asti, had demonstrated how the suspects had formed a structured association, where each had predefined tasks both in the commission of the thefts and in collateral activities such as evading investigations through periodic reclamation of vehicles in use and the fictitious registration of vehicles in one’s name.

Furthermore, the use of cloned license plates was discovered (during the investigation the use of 23 fake license plates was recorded) and the systematic change of color of cars through the wrapping technique, that is, by applying adhesive films to the bodywork.

In recent days, on 14 June, the Ordinary Court of Asti – Office of the investigating judge, in summary proceedings, condemned:

  • CA to a sentence of 8 years and 4 months of imprisonment and a fine of 4,000 euros, as well as the payment of court costs and prison maintenance costs, declaring the accused disqualified indefinitely from holding public offices and in a state of legal disqualification during the execution of the sentence;
  • LMA to the penalty of 6 years and 6 months of imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 euros, as well as the payment of court costs and prison maintenance costs, declaring the accused disqualified indefinitely from holding public offices and in a state of legal disqualification during the execution of the sentence;
  • CS to the penalty of 6 years and 8 months of imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 euros, as well as the payment of court costs and prison maintenance costs, declaring the accused disqualified indefinitely from holding public offices and in a state of legal disqualification during the execution of the sentence;
  • FP to a sentence of 5 years and 6 months of imprisonment and a fine of 2,000 euros, as well as the payment of court costs and prison maintenance costs, declaring the accused disqualified indefinitely from holding public offices and in a state of legal disqualification during the execution of the sentence;
  • AC to a sentence of 1 year and 10 months of imprisonment and a fine of 4,000 euros, as well as the payment of court costs;
  • DDC to a sentence of 1 year in prison and to pay court costs;
  • NC to the penalty of 1 year of imprisonment and the payment of court costs.

CA, LMA and FP were also sentenced to pay damages, moral and material, to the civil parties.

Furthermore, there are two suspects who are currently untraceable on national territory.

Power of Attorney -.

The sentence in question, obtained thanks, if not above all, to the complaints presented by the victims, absolutely necessary for the establishment of criminal proceedings, constitutes an albeit partial and limited response to the population’s concern and to the correlative request for an increase in security , for a phenomenon such as home burglaries and scams against the elderly which represents a social plague that grips the area>>.


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