Toponymy, six new names in Genoa

Toponymy, six new names in Genoa
Toponymy, six new names in Genoa

Six more new names of traffic areas and commemorative plaques are added to the toponymy of the city of Genoa.

The initiatives were approved by the municipal council on the proposal of the councillor for Civic Services Marta Brusoni and concern the Municipalities III Bassa Valbisagno, V Valpolcevera, VII Ponente and IV Levante.

The titles concern the “Don Lorenzo Ghiglione Gardens” (cloister area of ​​the parish of San Bartolomeo della Certosa adjacent to the Oasi del Chiostro gardens and via Ariosto in the Municipio V Valpolcevera) “in memory of the Parish Priest of San Bartolomeo della Certosa, who passed away prematurely, who worked actively in his neighborhood with a strong sensitivity towards social issues and with particular attention to the educational field”; “Via 15 May 1987” (appendix of via dei Reggio which leads to the Genoa CFC sports field in the Municipio VII Ponente) “in memory of Santino Barberis, Attilio Macciò, Mario Nicolelli and Domenico Ponte, the workers who died in the tragic accident which occurred on 15 May 1987 in a chemical products plant in the Multedo district”; the “Walk Ancient Maritime Republics” (cycle-pedestrian path along the southern bank of the Calma di Prà canal, Parco delle Dune, in the Municipio VII Ponente) “to remember the greatness of the Maritime Republics of Amalfi, Genoa, Pisa, Venice which, since the Middle Ages, thanks to their maritime and commercial activities enjoyed political autonomy and economic prosperity”; “Praesi Rowers Street” (new sea road on the Pra’ Respect Zone between the roundabout in front of the Pra’ ecological island and the roundabout in front of the Pra’ Carabinieri station in the Municipio VII Ponente) “to honor the talented and award-winning rowers of Pra who, in addition to distinguishing themselves in sporting activities, also contributed to the creation of the Pra’ Respect Zone between the port and the town center”.

These, instead, are the new commemorative plaques dedicated to the “Navy of Nervi and Quinto” (on the building in via Giovanni Caboto 23R in the Municipio IV Levante) “in memory of the contribution offered by all those who, over the centuries, in the territories of Quinto and Nervi and in particular around the current small port, have contributed to the formation of a maritime community that is still active and dedicated to passing on its tradition” and to “Teresa and Gianfranco Mattei” (on the building in via Contubernio Giovanni Battista D’Albertis 5 in the Municipio III Bassa Valbisagno) “in memory of the principles of freedom and democracy that inspired the work of the Mattei brothers, in their partisan militancy and in memory of Teresa’s election to the Constituent Assembly”.

«Toponymy accompanies our daily journeys and, in fact, also marks the stages of our life, impressing on individual and collective memory the places that surround us and that represent us – he states Marta BrusonCouncilor for Civic Services of the Municipality of Genoa -. Also for this reason I believe it is an absolute value to carve in marble the names and values ​​of those who have contributed to making the history of our city increasingly important. With these new names we are convincingly continuing the path of tributes, respect and testimony that, from the very beginning, has been one of the objectives of our Administration”.

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