Italy 24 Press News

«Reform that marks a negative future for Molise»

TERMOLI. Also having his say on the approval of the differentiated autonomy reform is the former mayoral candidate of Costruire Democracy, Andrea Montesanto:

«A negative future for Molise. On Tuesday, the second and final yes to the bill on differentiated autonomy arrived in the Chamber of Deputies. With 172 votes in favor, 99 against and 1 abstention, the Montecitorio chamber approved the measure: it is law. This legislative change will profoundly impact the future of our country, in particular for the most disadvantaged regions, such as Molise, which risk turning into desert lands. I have addressed the topic of differentiated autonomy numerous times and, considering the approval of the law, now all that remains is to understand what exactly will change. The “subjects” affected by this provision are 23, including health protection, education, sport, environment, energy, transport, culture and foreign trade. By taking control of these matters, the regions will also directly manage the funds allocated to them, and this is where the problem lies. Let’s focus on Health and Education: for example, each region will have the autonomy to offer regional supplementary contracts to doctors and teachers (with certainly higher salaries). Considering for example that our public health system already suffers from staff shortages… imagine what will happen when the rich regions of the North have the possibility of adding a second contract. It is virtually certain that differentiated autonomy will increase the economic gap between richer and poorer regions.

They will preclude the quality of services of disadvantaged regions like ours and will aggravate the problem of demographic decline, with an inevitable depopulation towards the North. One of the most contested points concerns the Essential Performance Levels (Lep). These represent the minimum service standards necessary to guarantee the implementation of the social and civil rights protected by the Italian Constitution. These levels are essential to ensure uniform treatment throughout the national territory. To date, the promoters of differentiated autonomy (Lega – Calderoli) had promised that “before” proceeding with the distribution of new competences to the regions, they would define themselves as the “Lep”. In reality, some Leps have completely forgotten. This law means the breakdown of national unity.”

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