Italy 24 Press News

Cosenza Calcio, here’s who President Guarascio’s “secret advisor” is

He would be behind the motivations that pushed the president of Cosenza Calcio to the “Tutino” operation, here’s who Guarascio’s secret advisor is

IN THE END, President Guarascio’s secret advisor hit the mark, giving the president the right reasons to carry out the “Tutino ransom” operation. Brilliant operation, which surprised everyone and left a hole for the “king of the transfer market” Gianluca Di Marzio, who knew nothing. But no one knew anything about him, not even the closest collaborators of the number one in via degli Stadi. A bolt from the blue. A super market bomb that shattered the nerves and made the prosecutor lose his aplomb Gennaro TutinoGiuffredi, who literally lost his bearings by issuing a statement in a tone that was inappropriate for his professional role.

But who is this secret advisor? We use the conditional for prudence, but the source is reliable and the news is certain. He would respond to the figure of a well-known Rai journalist, who lives in Rome, but of Presilan origins. Distant relative of President Guarascio, important in Rai. Who acts as a correspondent at many sporting events, who boasts many friendships in the world of football, with an agenda full of telephone numbers of people who matter in the world of football. It is said that he was personally invited by Marotta to Inter’s Scudetto party. In short, someone who matters and who evidently enjoys Guarascio’s trust, beyond the distant relationship.


In recent days he was in Cosenza, probably to celebrate the big coup of Cosenza football, which made a positive change in the credibility and image of the president who received only heartfelt applause for the operation on social media. For this we must also thank the journalist who “convinced” Guarascio that redeeming the Neapolitan bomber would be an easy deal.

Thank you Emilio Mancuso, if you are the colleague who cares about the fate of Cosenza football, thank you for having contributed in some way to completing the big coup. And yes, because the Tutino operation is a big coup, the biggest in the centenary history of Cosenza football, big whatever the epilogue. If Tutino were to remain in Cosenza (very difficult) it means that the famous bar often mentioned by Guarascio will undergo a big leap up; if instead Tutino is sold, it will be a historic capital gain for Cosenza which will allow Gennaro Delvecchio, under the careful guidance of Peppe Ursino, to be able to build a team worthy of the next Serie B, announced as the most difficult championship ever, with many renowned teams all looking to return to Serie A.

Now an auction will be triggered for the acquisition of Tutino’s sporting performances which will do nothing other than raise his price. Five million seems to be the starting point, but it will certainly undergo a significant increase in the next week, also because the foreign market has focused on our bomber jacket. Some wonder why Gennaro didn’t respond and didn’t take a position on his prosecutor’s statements. Maybe he chose the best path. In these cases it is useless to add more fuel to the fire. He will have chosen to let the controversy settle so that however the story ends, it will be a success for him.

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