Italy 24 Press News

Bonaccini visiting “Teca” / Cesena / Home

The outgoing president of the Emilia-Romagna Region Stefano Bonaccinivisiting today at Teca. The promoters of the project launched on the premises of Cesena Fair, who awaited him at the inauguration on May 23rd, but he did not participate due to other commitments. With Bonaccini today the mayor Enzo Lattuca, Alessandro Riccipresident of Criad – Center for research and studies for information technology applied to teaching, e Gabriele Raimondipresident of the Order of Psychologists of Emilia-Romagna, to discover the details of the initiative conceived and implemented by social cooperative Generations of Dovadola (see news referenced). Also present Stefano Rambelli, president of the same social cooperative. Acting as “Cicero” Enrico Chiudinelliartistic director of Teca.

Teca, exploiting the potential of virtual worldaims to socialize young people and combat the risks of isolation they face in an increasingly digital society.

“Digital is now a consolidated presence in our daily lives and if demonizing it would make no sense, it is instead useful to introduce the new generations to conscious use – Bonaccini states in a note -. So, Well done to Generations and its partners for an initiative that goes precisely in this direction”.

After last year’s ribbon cutting May 23the space hosted different classes of the territories of Bologna, Forlì and Cesena. And now, with the closure of schools, it is preparing to welcome families, self-organized groups and summer centres. Waiting for mass online of the site web expected at the beginning of July, anyone wishing to have information on Teca can contact the 380 4314753.

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