Italy 24 Press News

Popular alternative shattered in Foligno, Filipponi resigns as coordinator


FOLIGNO (Perugia) – Rags fly in the house. Popular alternative. Stefania Filipponi, an excellent name in Foligno politics and historic opposition municipal councilor, resigns as city coordinator of the Bandecchiani. The reason? The choice (in a personal capacity) made by Enrico Presilla to support in the run-off the race towards the reconfirmation of the outgoing mayor Stefano Zuccarini, supported by the centre-right coalition. According to Filipponi, who entrusted the reasons for his farewell to a press release, the decision of the former candidate for mayor of AP would clash with what he said in the electoral campaign, nullifying months of effort to build a real alternative to continuity.

Filipponi speaks of “a painful decision that came after long and thoughtful reflection”. All of this, the now former coordinator reiterates, in respect of «those who were involved in the electoral campaign, contributing to the result which can be defined as surprising, in line with their political and personal history and believed and reiterated that freedom to vote should be allowed to candidates and voters, without any indication which, moreover, is perceived to be in contrast with what was declared in the electoral campaign and with the program signed with the citizens”. Filipponi continues: «It is true that it is an individual choice following personal meetings with the candidates going to the ballot, but the one who gives the indication is not just any citizen, but the one who has obtained the consent of over 1,600 people from Foligno. It is true, as is repeated, that there is no alignment, there is no choice of side, no majority is entered into and a third-party role is maintained, but it is indisputable that this declaration has a weight that can determine victory of one candidate or another and appears to have been formulated for this very purpose. Instead of continuing to represent the only real alternative, we declare ourselves to vote for continuity, for the confirmation of the administration that has governed Foligno for the last five years, not only disappointing all expectations of change, compared to the old, worn-out system of power, but which was not even able to reverse the crisis: now the third largest city in Umbria no longer counts for anything and continues to lose pieces.»

Finally, the former coordinator thanks «the secretary Stefano Bandecchi, the president Paolo Alli, the regional coordinator Riccardo Corridore, the provincial coordinator Cristian Brutti for the trust placed in me; I especially thank Enrico Presilla for agreeing to get involved.”

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