Italy 24 Press News

The Brindisi Third Sector Forum established: provincial coordination

BRINDISI – Last May 29th in Brindisi, at “Movimenti Laboratorio Urbano”, the provincial delegations of the regional organizations participating in the Puglia Third Sector Forum, in the presence of the regional spokesperson Davide Giove, established the Brindisi Third Sector Forum. The assembly appointed members of the provincial coordination Vincenzo Catamo for Arci Brindisi, Giuseppe Valerio D’Ancona for Legacoop, Francesco Fiera for Modavi, Cosimo Galasso for Unpli, Maurizio Guadalupi for Cnca, Francesco Parisi for Confcooperative Federsolidarietà, Adriana Policicchio for Auser, Ivano Rolli for Csi, Antonio Verdura for the Emmanuel Community Association.

Francesco Parisi, former member of the Welfare Consultation of the National Third Sector Forum and of the Coordination of the Puglia Third Sector Forum, was elected spokesperson. He has the mandate to reorganize the provincial Third Sector network, restore visibility and recognition to it, accompany it in its ability to express its representation so that, within 24 months at the most, a territorial assembly – which the members hope to be much larger – can autonomously express their representation at a territorial level.

The Brindisi Third Sector Forum is the provincial branch of the Ets Third Sector Forum, a non-profit body and the main body representing the Italian third sector. It was officially established on 19 June 1997 and is a recognized social part. In May 2024 the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies announced that the National Third Sector Forum, at the conclusion of the public notice procedure for the implementation of articles 59 and 64 of the Third Sector Code, was found to be the association of third sector entities that are most representative on the national territory, based on the number of participating entities.

The Brindisi Third Sector Forum is open to all legally constituted provincial organizations based in the region. Bodies registered in the Single National Register of the Third Sector or non-profit bodies, provided they have a democratic system, are predominantly composed of bodies registered with the Unts referred to in the Legislative Decree, can submit a request for association at the Third Sector Forum in Brindisi. 117/17 art 45 which, pursuant to articles. 2 and 3 of the Constitution promote an open, supportive and inclusive society, “without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinions, personal and social conditions”, contributing “to removing economic and social, which, by effectively limiting the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social organization of the country”; which are present in at least three municipalities in the Province of Brindisi with a stable and organized membership base or which associate, directly or indirectly, at least five ets or at least 2 thousand natural persons. Upon request, the provincial branches of the members adhering to the National and/or Regional Forum can be registered in the Brindisi Third Sector Forum.

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