Italy 24 Press News

First meeting for the Work and Training Forum

And enhance the opportunities present in the area with the public service of Center for employment in synergy with accredited private services and with local network entities

With the first meeting between the administration and the city entities involved in the field of employment, the work of the Work and Training Forum of the Municipality of Vicenza began yesterday at Palazzo Trissino.

Chaired by the deputy mayor with responsibility for labor and employment policies Isabella Sala, with the coordination of the external advisor for innovative projects relating to active labor policies Mario Barbieri and the collaboration of Veneto Lavoro represented by the manager of the Employment Centers Vicenza Lisa Lora, the meeting saw the presence of around thirty representatives from the world of the main business associations, trade unions, bodies accredited by the Veneto Region for employment and training services.

The objective of the Forum is to encourage the sharing of knowledge and analysis between the different realities by encouraging communication, the creation of synergies and broad and shared projects for the benefit of citizens.

Despite not having specific skills in the field of work, the administration wants to promote and enhance knowledge of the work, training and active search opportunities for new employment offered by the territory in full subsidiarity between public and private.

Mario Barbieri’s appointment as external advisor for innovative projects relating to active employment policies also goes in this direction. Representative of institutional relations and national manager of active employment policies in one of the main employment agencies in Italy, Mario Barbieri has gained extensive experience in the field of employment over the years. Worth mentioning is his experience in the city, between the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, together with Ilvo Diamanti, Daniele Marini, Lorenzo Bernardi, Enzo Pace who gave life to the Youth Project of the Municipality of Vicenza.

The next appointment will be in autumn and will have the aim of getting more into the focus of the main issues that have emerged: the demographic decline, the need to attract new talent, to network to offer timely access to opportunities and opportunities for job support for the unemployed , always in close collaboration with the employment centers managed by Veneto Lavoro.

«Our territory is a production center of enormous importance, with employment rates among the highest in Italy and an entrepreneurial fabric capable of withstanding the most dramatic crises. This situation today clashes with the difficulty of finding new professional profiles and attracting young workers and citizens. We also know the many challenges that affect the world of work today, and the changes it will have in the coming years. For all these reasons we are really pleased that many have accepted our invitation to set up a Forum as a space for permanent dialogue, in close connection with the territorial unit of Veneto Lavoro, to enhance the many opportunities, guaranteeing the best exchange of information, ideas and good practices”, the comment of the deputy mayor Isabella Sala and the external advisor Mario Barbieri.

ATTENTION: The news refers to the publication date indicated above. The information contained may therefore undergo variations over time, not recorded on this page, but in subsequent communications.

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