Italy 24 Press News

The first information portal in the Marche region

Tuesday 18 June 2024

“There is the utmost sensitivity in guaranteeing all women the full usability of Law 194/1978”.

This was said in the Regional Council Chamber by the Vice President of the Council and Councilor of the Marche Region with responsibility for Health, Filippo Saltamartini, responding to a question from the Democratic Party on the “Methods of application of law 194/1978 with particular reference in the presence of the so-called “pro-life” associations in the clinics. “Law 194 (of 22 May 1978, ed.) constitutes one of the fundamental pillars of the economic-social reforms approved in our country” in the 1970s, a period in which “important civil rights were recognised”, he underlined. Recalling that the law was subjected both to scrutiny by Parliament and to two referendum questions, following which “the electoral body decided to validate” the law, he underlined “we must guarantee women the right to choose in the matter”. Â With the national law, contained in the decree for the implementation of the PNRR, which the Senate definitively approved on 23 April, which provides that the Regions can also make use of the involvement of Third Sector subjects who have qualified experience in maternity support, “some requests for access to the Clinics have been received in the Region”, he explained. The invitation addressed to the opposition was to dialogue “without prejudice ideological, without walls and fences” and to avoid “an ideological conflict on the matter, because the will of each of us, who have the very high responsibility of being part of the Regional Council, must be to guarantee with serenity and thoughtfulness the best measures that tend to guarantee the exercise of this right to all women”. The commitment undertaken by the Councilor was to “not decide anything independently” but to “start a path and a debate with the Health Commission” also open to “those who want to participate from the Regional Council, so that the decisions we can take will be the best in the interests of women”. Finally, at the end of his speech, he recalled that with the Decree of the Director of the Territory and Social and Health Integration Sector ARS n. 45 of 28 November 2023, the Working Group (WG) “Regional path for the application of L.194/78 and Pharmacological IVG” was established within the Regional Birth Path Committee (CPNr).You can comment on the article on Vivere Marche

by Filippo Saltamartini Regional Councilor for Health

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