Italy 24 Press News

there is nothing to do, skip everything

Statements that in these hours leave no doubt: the deal is off! At Milan, some fans didn’t take it very well, words that sound like a sentence.

First objective on Paulo Fonseca’s list: restoring balance to a Milan team that has too often shown evident discontinuity in terms of performance and concentration on the pitch. The Portuguese coach was also chosen to give the team greater solidity and a game that can also entertain the fans. After his experience at Roma, Fonseca returns to Serie A with the desire to concretely show his tactical skills, also trying to restore prestige to his figure after the not very brilliant experience in the capital.

At Lille there have already been some important signs over the last two years but the Italian championship is something else, and Fonseca is also aware of this. The club also knows this well, and this is why the club will have to work shoulder to shoulder with the coach to make the most of the next summer transfer market session; in fact, a large part of what will pass through this will be Milan’s next season.

You can’t go wrong and above all nothing will be left to chance. Fonseca will have to enhance those who are already part of the staff, but at the same time he will have to concretely indicate where significant investments will be needed to make the team even more competitive. The attack, in this sense, is one of the departments where we will certainly need to work.

Milan on Morata: the announcement shocks everyone

One of the names that has teased the Rossoneri square in recent days is undoubtedly that of Alvaro Morata: the future of the Spanish striker is far from already sealed, and in recent weeks the possibility of see him leave Madrid. The former Juve player’s adventure in Spain could come to an end between now and the next few weeks, especially because Morata himself is aware of the strong competition created within Atletico.

Milan, bad news for Fonseca: the attacker misses out (LaPresse)

Yet, in the last few hours it was the bomber himself who surprised everyone and made statements that could drastically change sentiment. “There are many things that have their weight and are important. And then I want to win a title with Atletico Madrid.” Morata’s words reported by ‘Corriere dello Sport’.

In short, statements that would suggest a stay on Spanish soil which until a few days ago seemed unlikely. Of course, nothing is already written: Morata will now evaluate all the various optionsundoubtedly among these is staying in Madrid but it is not certain that an important offer from an interesting place cannot push the attacker to leave the Spanish capital.

This post was last modified on 18 June 2024

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