Italy 24 Press News

Training in Sicily, Ugl Scuola raises the alarm “Professional bodies in crisis” – BlogSicilia

The consultation table with the social partners started last night. The meeting was convened by the regional councilors for education and professional training, Mimmo Turano and for family and work, Nuccia Albano.
Many topics were discussed, from the applicability of the national collective agreement to the sector, up to the problems linked to the notices on VET, through payment delays, and finally to the topic of the crisis in the sector.

In addition to the councillors, it appears that CGIL, CISL and UIL and also UGL, Confsal, Federterziario, Forma, Cenfop, Assofor, Anfop, Iform and Asef for the employers’ organisations.

Ugl school “We expected solutions”

“We expected solutions with the consultation table between the social partners and the councilors Turano and Albano. The training councilor has decided to continue the discussion on the applicability of the national collective agreement to the sector without mentioning the state of crisis declared by the employers’ associations and the Ugl union”. Ornella Cuzzupi, national secretary of Ugl Scuola and Giuseppe Messina, head of professional training of the federation, say this.

The two add: “And this is serious because alongside Turano there are CGIL, CISL, UIL and CONFSAL who do nothing but cause even more confusion in a sector which is currently in full crisis and which does not see the light at the end of the tunnel. ”.

“Training is intended for minors in compulsory schooling”

And they also focus on their position on the topic of financing for the next training year of the IeFp segment. “The training – continue the two union representatives – is intended for minors in compulsory schooling, with little room for discussion to improve it and overcome the current critical issues. And for us the sector has had a completely unsuccessful management in the school year that has just ended. In fact, it is enough to think that the first advance payment is being made these days. Basically at the conclusion of the classroom activities. It is under the light of the sun that things are not going well but only for the councilor everything is fine. The sector today is struggling on all sides except for him and for some trade unions. This short-sighted vision – conclude Cuzzupi and Messina – risks leading the professional training sector to lose part of the funding or spend it without reaching the spending objectives”.

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