Italy 24 Press News

Special MEI Award to Enrico Brizzi for the 30th anniversary of “Jack Frusciante left the group”. The event in Faenza from 4 to 6 October

The MEI 2024 will deliver an MEI plaque on Saturday 5 October as Special Recognition to the writer Enrico Brizzi for the 30th anniversary of his book “Jack Frusciante left the group”. This novel is one of the cornerstones of the independent and emerging Italian scene of the 90s, present in the libraries of many underground musicians of that era. Together with numerous alternative soundtracks of the time, from rock to grunge, from folk to rap, the book constituted a founding element of the culture of Generation extraordinary novel.

“I thank the MEI for deciding to reward “Jack Frusciante left the group” with a special plaque on the occasion of his thirtieth birthday – comments Enrico Brizzi reached by phone while he is working on the sequel to the book which will see the light, eagerly awaited, next autumn -. When the book came out in 1994, I decided to present it in the form of a musical show. I preferred to tell my stories out loud, standing and in time to rock like a modern storyteller, rather than sitting down. I felt like I was better honoring the power of words. I am very happy to do it again on the MEI stage next October 5th, thirty years and hundreds of evenings later, together with the band of friends from Bologna The Perfect Cousins”.

Among the initiatives of the new edition of the Meeting of Independent Labels of Faenza, which will be held from 4 to 6 October, there will be events in various squares of the historic center, including Piazza del Popolo, Piazza del Duomo, Piazza della Molinella and Piazza del Mercato .

The opening of October 4 will be marked by Tamburini Art Awarddedicated to the first singer from Faenza who recorded “Romagna Mia” on record in 1954. This year the prize will be awarded to the female voices of Santa Balera. A special prize will be awarded to Radio Koperwhich 70 years ago contributed to the success of “Romagna Mia” by Maestro Secondo Casadei, acting as the “independent radio of the time”.

Saturday 5 October it will be dedicated to the great authors. The 25th anniversary of the death of Ivan Graziani will be celebrated with a concert by Filippo Graziani, which brought his father’s music back to the top of the charts and live events. The 30th anniversary of Enrico Brizzi’s book “Jack Frusciante e exited the group” will also be celebrated, and Beatrice Antolini’s new album, one of the best expressions of independent Italian songwriting, will be presented as a live preview.

Sunday 6 October we will pay homage to the great Bolognese singer-songwriter Claudio Lolli with the screening of an unpublished docu-film about him, which will include a recent live event held in Bologna, curated by Danilo Tomasetta and Chiara Campomori.

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