Italy 24 Press News

The volunteer professor who died in Rimini: «Always smiling»

They called him “the professor”. In the rooms of the Como Committee of the Red Cross he always walked around with a smile on his lips. Always ready to help those who asked him for help. Like when, to a fifth grade volunteer, he started explaining biology, his subject.

All the Como Red Cross volunteers were shocked by the news, coming from the Romagna Riviera, of the sudden death of Daniele Di Marino, 42 years old, professor of molecular biology at the life sciences department of the Polytechnic University of Marche. But even if he taught in Ancona and if he was originally from Rome, Como was the city where “the professor” lived and had his circle of friends.

The Rimini Public Prosecutor’s Office has ordered investigations into the circumstances of the death, which occurred during the night between Saturday and Sunday in Bellaria. The reconstruction collected by the Romagna press still leaves several hypotheses open. The most probable is that of an illness. But caused by what, exactly?

Daniele was on holiday in Torre Pedrera and on Saturday evening he had been dancing with his partner at Becky Bay, a club between Bellaria and Igea Marina. The “Bay Fest” is scheduled, a musical event that attracts thousands of people. An event, the managers of the venue wrote in a note when they learned of the tragedy, “experienced with joy and happiness by all those present”. It is not clear whether, during the evening, Daniele Di Marino ran into particular problems with anyone. Some Riviera newspapers talk about a small scuffle, a circumstance ruled out by the venue.

Shortly before midnight the volunteer from Como went out in the company of his girlfriend, with whom, among other things, he was expecting a child. Along the road towards the hotel where he was staying, tragedy struck. He suddenly collapsed to the ground. Losing consciousness. The people present immediately called for help. But there was nothing to be done: Daniele died. And the Rimini Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation to understand the causes. “We are close to his family, his partner and all his friends” the managers of the Rimini restaurant write in a note.

Daniele had joined the Red Cross in Como in 2018. In 2020 he was one of the most active and present volunteers in the association when the Covid emergency broke out. He also served in Bergamo, in the most terrible phase of the pandemic. Those who knew him speak of him as a splendid person: “He was always there for everyone.” Always positive and smiling. He is always available to the younger ones who, perhaps, understood very little about biology.

He, however, immediately made himself noticed. Extremely passionate about his subject, he had developed a virus sensor capable of monitoring the presence of Covid in the air, in environments such as the home and office.

The Italian Red Cross had chosen him as a testimonial for the commitment of volunteers during the pandemic. He explained: «My work as a researcher leads me to have not so much human contact with people. I joined Cri to help others, but above all myself. Because connecting with others helps you feel better.” Since yesterday, there has been a succession of messages of condolence and disbelief over the tragedy on the chats and social media of Como volunteers.

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