Italy 24 Press News

Gang of thieves captured, base in the nomadic camps of Giugliano and Secondigliano: upgraded cars to ram

Thefts in the bars of the Sannio fuel stations, houses burgled, copper stolen from companies. The thieves’ car found at the Secondigliano nomad camp.

The gang of thieves who terrorized bars and tobacconists in Sannio has been defeated. The Carabinieri of Benevento arrested 8 people (6 in prison, 2 under house arrest) held responsible in various capacities for various attacks carried out between 2022 and 2023. The bandits’ targets were mainly sales outlets in petrol stations, but also private homes, with raids during which money and jewelery were stolen. On another occasion, half a ton of copper was taken from a company. The investigations of the Carabinieri soldiers led to the discovery of the criminal association, made up of foreigners from the Roma camps in Giugliano in Campania And Naples Secondigliano who physically committed the crimes, stealthily entering bars, tobacconists, commercial establishments and homes, using vehicles fictitiously registered to others, on which license plates were placed which were altered or previously removed from other vehicles. The cars, in some cases, were powered to ram police vehicles during chases.

The investigations of the Prosecutor’s Office

This morning, following a complex investigative activity coordinated by Public Prosecutor’s Office of Beneventothe military of Investigative Unit of the Carabinieri Provincial Command of Benevento have implemented a personal precautionary measure, issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of Benevento at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office, against 8 people, six of whom were subjected respectively to “precautionary custody in prison” and two to “house arrest”. The 8 are seriously suspected in various capacities of the crimes of “criminal association dedicated to the commission of multiple crimes of multi-aggravated theft and residential burglary”, “receiving stolen goods”, “simulation of crime” and “material forgery”.

The complex investigation activity, coordinated by the Benevento Public Prosecutor’s Office, was conducted through the collection of summary information resulting from the complaints filed by the offended parties, the acquisition of copious documentation, the execution of observation, control and shadowing activities, the execution of telephone and environmental interceptions, examination of telephone records, installation of cameras.

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Cars upgraded to ram

Serious indications of guilt have been acquired in relation to the circumstance that Italian subjects were also part of the association, car dealership managers, who supplied the nomadic group with cars to be used for the commission of fine crimes, also working to find fictitious owners. Other associates, now arrested, worked for a fee to register the cars then used by the members of the association. The organization could also count on the collaboration of a compliant mechanic who was willing to carry out the work vehicle upgrade worksthen used to commit the crimes and worked to provide them with assistance in the event of breakdowns of the same cars; the cars prepared by the mechanic – at the group’s request – had to be fast to resist any pursuit by the Carabinieri and robust if necessary to be able to ram the vehicles of the police in case of arrest attempts.

The thefts from Sannio petrol stations

The investigations, coordinated by the Prosecutor’s Office, originated from an analysis activity started in month of October 2022 and conducted by the Carabinieri of the Benevento Investigation Unit, through which a monitoring activity was undertaken on the phenomenon of thefts in monopoly shops (bars, tobacconists and tobacconists). Serious clues regarding the responsibility of those arrested were gathered in relation to the thefts of monopoly goods which occurred on 24 December 2022, respectively at the Repsol petrol station located on the state road 372 Telesina in the municipality of Paupisi and at the Tamoil petrol station located on the same road in the municipality of Puglianello.

In particular, the Carabinieri, examining a series of similar criminal episodes, fully identified the vehicle Audi A4 used by the criminal group and through the analysis of public and private video surveillance systems, they ascertained that in almost all cases each criminal action was made up of 4-5 misrepresented people; the time frame in which the perpetrators committed the thefts fell mainly during the night; in all the crimes committed, breaking into the entrance gates or doors was found and in some the creation of actual holes to access the commercial premises; the targets chosen by the criminal group were almost always close to fast roads that ensured the escape of the culprits.

Half a ton of copper stolen in Limatola

On January 14, 2023, the theft of 500 kg of copper occurred at a company from Limatola, allowed a turning point in investigative activity, allowing investigations to be concentrated on those arrested today. On this occasion, immediately after the theft of copper, the Carabinieri intercepted a tow truck on the spot, whose driver reported having been contacted by a mechanic friend of his with the request to collect a broken-down car. Inside the high-powered vehicle the Carabinieri found the aforementioned copper cables as well as various objects and tools suitable for burglary. Subsequent investigations made it possible to ascertain that the Audi A4 vehicle transported on the tow truck was the same one used for the aforementioned thefts in the tobacconists’ bars and that on that specific occasion the thieves had altered the license plate.

Houses burgled: money and jewelery taken away

Further investigative activities made it possible to gather serious clues regarding the residential burglary occurred on 19 February 2023 in Campoli del Monte Taburnowhere the thieves, in the late afternoon, after having forced and destroyed the door of the wall safe in the bedroom, removed the sum of euros in cash 20 thousand and various gold jewellery.

The March 10, 2023 the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit organized a tailing service on the vehicle used by the gang, ascertaining that it was located in the municipality of Baia and Latina of the Province of Caserta, where a disaster had occurred in the afternoon theft against an elderly woman, inside whose house the thieves had removed gold jewellery. In order to identify the members of the gang, the Carabinieri, after having identified the vehicle fleeing at high speed from the place of the theft, began a long and fruitless chase, deciding to give up due to the speed with which it was proceeding, in order to protect the safety of others motorists.

The thieves’ car found near the Secondigliano Roma camp

The subsequent surveillance activities allowed one of the members of the gang to be identified, as well as to ascertain that after the theft was committed, the vehicle entered the Roma camp in Naples Secondigliano For then be hidden in a nearby private car park. As part of the same procedure, during the execution of the precautionary measure, searches were carried out at the nomadic camps of Giugliano in Campania and Naples Secondigliano. The measure carried out is a precautionary measure ordered during preliminary investigations, against which appeals are permitted and the recipients of the same are people subjected to investigations and therefore presumed innocent until a final sentence is reached.

The Prefect strengthens controls on the Giugliano camp

The Prefecture of Naples has for some time now intensified controls on the Roma camp in Giugliano, where schooling programs for minors are also underway. Prefect Michele Di Bari explained that measures will be intensified to avoid new occupations in the field but also to interrupt other illegal situations such as the illicit transport of waste.

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