Italy 24 Press News

Maturity: in 2023 10% of candidates in private institutions, but in Campania it is 30%

For private institutions and, in particular, for those with the smell of a diploma factory, the 2024 final exam will not have any surprises deriving from the new rules announced in December by Minister Valditara and included (with some unexpected “discounts”) in the expected “simplifications” bill in Parliament for an approval process that is predictably not short. It will produce its effects much later.

It is therefore foreseeable, based on the trends of the last two school years, that internal candidates from private institutes will record an increase, both in absolute values ​​and percentages, compared to internal candidates from state institutes. Let’s see what happened in the past two years.

As you can see, the number of candidates of the Neapolitan private institutions (especially outside the capital city) is increasing, compared to the number of candidates present in state institutes, and tends to increase, despite the overall decrease in enrollments in the fifth year.

The situation in the province of is no different Salerno where, compared to the decrease in candidates from state institutions, there is an increase in that of candidates from private institutions (+587 units, i.e. by over 9% while (the percentage impact of those enrolled in private institutions on the total of internal candidates is increase of + 2.84%).

As can be seen from the data, the number of internal candidates increased overall thanks exclusively to the increase of 1,516 units in the number of candidates from private institutions, which went from 22,861 in 2022 to 24,377 in 2023.
Campania candidates alone represent just under half of the total number of graduates from private institutions (while those in state institutions are 12% of the national total, in line with the population of 18-year-olds from Campania, which in 2022 represented 11% of the national total). In reality – as demonstrated by the Tuttoscuola dossiers – the candidates of some private institutes in Campania (those where the incredible jump in enrollments occurs between the fourth and fifth year) come from all over Italy, fueling “diploma tourism”. And they are continuously increasing, awaiting regulatory changes that should slow down their expansion.

Maturity 2023. In Naples and Salerno record number of candidates in private institutions

The situations of the private institutions in the provinces of Naples and Salerno deserve particular attention, in whose territories there are the greatest number of private institutions in the form of a diploma factory.

As you can see, the number of candidates of the Neapolitan private institutions (especially outside the capital city) is increasing, compared to the number of candidates present in state institutes, and tends to increase, despite the overall decrease in enrollments in the fifth year.

The situation in the province of is no different Salerno where, compared to the decrease in candidates from state institutions, there is an increase in that of candidates from private institutions (+587 units, i.e. by over 9% while (the percentage impact of those enrolled in private institutions on the total of internal candidates is increase of +2.84%). Internal candidates from private institutions represent over 40% of the total.

But of these candidates, how many in the 2023 maturity concluded their high school journey with a positive outcome?

Analyzing the official data of the different fields of study, it appears not only the mass promotion of candidates from the private institutes of Naples and Salerno (in Naples only 2 fields out of 84 did not have 100% graduates; in Salerno only 1 out of 35: practically guaranteed promotion), but also a level of final evaluation of the final exam always higher than the average of the corresponding study fields in the region and in Italy.

Read Tuttoscuola’s dossiers on diploma mills here:

For further information:

– Fight against diploma mills. Finally the ministerial plan
– MIM’s ‘anti-diplomacy’ plan: what it involves
– this summer’s statement from the Ministry: “Regarding the Tuttoscuola investigation, let’s start the inspections”
– Diploma factories: a decalogue to knock them out
– Diploma factories. RaiTre sends me
– Maturity, boom in easy diplomas. THE TUTTOSCUOLA DOSSIER
– THE GRAND DIPLOMA BAZAR. Second episode of the Tuttoscuola investigation


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