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19 signs for Calabria with a new entry • Wonders of Calabria

The sixth edition of the Gambero Rosso Guide is a tribute to artisans, capable of dealing with a constantly evolving market and creators of increasingly authentic baked products. Calabria has a wide representation, with 19 brands including a new entry.

Approximately 10% of the bakeries registered in the new Italian Bread and Bakers Guide 2025 cultivates its own grains directly: a strong signal that testifies to the growing attention towards the short supply chain and the valorisation of local production. Because a bread that comes from the seed that germinates in the same land in which it is worked can only tell a precise identity, a real “terroir”, as the master Davide Longoni would say. A return to the traditions and processing techniques that are handed down from generation to generation and which do not give in to the slavery of the honeycomb crumb.

Because the alveoli can, yes, be indicative of the quality of the leavening, but not always, even more so if the flours used are low in protein, such as rye. To recognize good bread you have to smell it: it must first of all taste like wheat“, he writes in the preface Annalisa Zordan, editor of the Guide, placing emphasis on the importance of smell and taste in evaluating a good product. A fragrant bread, with an intense aroma of wheat, is in itself an excellent clue. And if the alveoli, often praised as a symbol of perfect leavening, are not always a reliable indicator, especially with flours low in gluten such as rye, Gambero Rosso invites us to rediscover the value of taste as a signal of good quality.

The thought of also joins this vision Piero Gabrieli of Petra Molino Quaglia, main partner of the Guide, which makes a profound reflection on the future of Italian bread-making which needs “recover traditional knowledge and skills, combining them with innovation and experimentation. Only in this way will it be possible to preserve the rich variety of Italian breads and build a sustainable future for the sector“.

Bread and Bakers of Italy 2025 is a precious compass for lovers of good bread, discovering artisan bakers who every day, with passion and dedication, bring a piece of Italy to our tables. From North to South the whole geography is well represented with the Three Loaves which grow homogeneously along the entire boot: 64 with 6 new entries. Among the new excellences, Lazio stands out with two new entries, followed by Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Campania, Puglia and Sardinia which boast a new entry each, testifying to the liveliness of the regional panorama.


There are 19 brands that have deserved a place in the guide: none have yet managed to reach the maximum score but there are many that come close, distributed across all the provinces. With a new entry, which deserves it Due Pani, in Cerva (CZ), by Bubbo Brunella Bakery.

Here are the other signs:


  • Saint Louis of Acre
  • Orlando oven in Castrovillari
  • Mauro Bakery And Vito Elisa in Cerchiara
  • Perna Il Pane di Tessano a They paint
  • Cuti Bakery in Rogliano
  • Cooker hood in San Giovanni in Fiore


  • The sweet Boccuto oven in the city
  • Half-hetero of Botricello
  • The art of wheat in Davoli

Reggio Calabria

  • Bread, Love and sourdough And D’Agostino Bakery in the city
  • Bruno Stilo Bakery And Giannarèna in Canolo
  • The flour shop And Sorbara in Novigrad
  • Bread art in Gioia Tauro


(Photo: @gambero_rosso)

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