How much does it cost to get married in Emilia Romagna

How much does it cost to get married in Emilia Romagna
How much does it cost to get married in Emilia Romagna

Bologna, 2 July 2024 – How much does a VIP wedding? A wedding ceremony where everything is perfect, an event taken care of in the smallest details aiming for the perfect result is everyone’s dream (or almost), but how much can it cost? From flowers to the restaurant, the wedding planner Marilena Zambelli, 40 years and 15 years in the sector, will help us better understand what to choose to make our unique wedding also based on prices. Marilena started her business first in Bologna and then, since 2014, in Florence, still operating in the territories of Emilia Romagna and Tuscany. We focus on the first region.

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Dream Wedding in Emilia Romagna: The Most Beautiful Locations

What can be meant by a VIP wedding?

“It can be the wedding of people famous in the media, but it can also be a ceremony that looks at attention to detail; an event in which you want to invest; a beautiful experience. Luxury is not the ostentation of golden things, but is made of details: like the comfort that can make others feel good. Create something unforgettable. The event must represent the style of the couple, but the guests must feel pampered and have fun”.

A wedding organized by the wedding planner Marilena Zambelli

Let’s talk about costs: the flowers.

“The cost is relative to the number of guests. Lately, the number of people present at the ceremony ranges from 80 to 100 people. Let’s assume 100 guests: it starts from 6/7 thousand euros. It is impossible to say a maximum price. Usually, seasonal flowers are chosen. Peonies are the most popular, all types of roses (the English ones are beautiful), hydrangeas. The colors and shapes are important”.

Learn more:

Getting married in Le Marche: dream places to celebrate your wedding

How much can the wedding dress cost?

“They start at 3,500 euros and up. Middle Eastern style clothes have become very popular, they are beautiful and sensual. They are among the most expensive, they can reach 10-15 thousand euros.”

The groom’s?

“Usually you opt for tailoring: you choose the fabric, the cut and the dress is made to measure. It ranges from 2 thousand euros to a maximum of 4 thousand, a lot depends on the accessories”.

Speaking of accessories, what about shoes for the bride?

“More and more often, people choose a prestigious shoe that can be reused. It can even cost up to 2 thousand euros.”

Let’s move on to the “wedding lunch”.

“The food part is the most important thing. In recent years, locations and catering have been chosen with great care for the part relating to the aperitif which becomes a calling card for the event. It is the most fun part. Guests arrive hungry and wanting to chat. It is a key moment in the food part. There can be themed islands and show cooking with preparation in view: you eat first with your eyes and then with your mouth. Cocktails have also become important”.

A wedding organized by the wedding planner Marilena Zambelli, in detail the choice of flowers

Let’s always assume a lunch for 100 people, the cost?

“It starts from 150-170 euros per person, then the wines have a big influence. There are those who choose to accompany the meals with champagne, obviously the cost changes. It can even go up to 250-300 euros per person. Then it also depends on the service chosen. If you opt for sommeliers in the dining room, you have to consider one for every eight guests. For 100 guests, there will be 12 more people to pay. Between meat and fish? There is not much difference in terms of costs”.

What about the cake?

“The basic cost is about 5-6 euros per person, but it depends on the decoration. For example, for a decorated sugar paste cake with layers, even 8-10 euros per person.

The role of the wedding planner. “You can organize a wedding without one, but the difference lies in two aspects: the time you have to invest and your knowledge of the sector and the market.”

Have you ever organized any important weddings?

“A wedding where the Swedish royals were present as guests and relatives of the bride; and soon that of a Portuguese influencer. I also happened to organize the birthday of a relative of the Elkann family”.

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