Legambiente Calabria renews its Board of Directors

Legambiente Calabria renews its Board of Directors
Legambiente Calabria renews its Board of Directors

Calabrian Environmental Leaguealways at the forefront for the protection and enhancement of the environment, continues to carry out its mission thanks also to the recent renewal of the Board of Directors. The elections were held at the end of the Regional Assembly of members last Sunday in Lamezia Terme. After an intense day full of ideas and new challenges for the future together with the representatives of the clubs, the following were elected unanimously: Catia Viscomi, Luigi Concio, Evelina Viola, Filippo Toscano and Carlo Gaglianone.

Permanent guests at the Council’s work, Stefania Rotella and Vincenzo Sicilia also in view of the future structuring of the body on even more in-depth thematic focuses. The new Council will support the regional president Anna Parretta and the director Silvia De Santis.

“We are satisfied – Parretta and De Santis affirm – of the work team that in the coming months will contribute to the realization of the many initiatives and campaigns that will see us on the front lines, as always, in the battles that Legambiente carries out at all levels, both national and regional and local”.

“We thank the members who have so far passionately covered a role that constitutes a further commitment in terms of energy, time and voluntary work and the new members who have shared their availability. We thank all the presidents of the clubs and the numerous members who yesterday took part in the Assembly to discuss and spend a beautiful associative day together”.

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