Italy 24 Press News

“Music in short” with Forum Livii Orchestra conducted by Marco Sabiu

Tuesday 18 June at 9pm at the Fabbrica delle Candele, the Cosascuola Music Academy association, in collaboration with the Di scene in scene association and with the support of the Municipality of Forlì, organizes an event to conclude the project “Music in Short”. This evening represents the culmination of a journey of fusion between music and cinema that celebrates the talent and creativity of the community. The centerpiece of the event will be the screening of a short film dedicated to music in Forlì, a visual and emotional journey that explores the importance of music in our territory.

This screening will be further enhanced by the live sound of the Livii Orchestra Forum, directed by the renowned Maestro Marco Sabiu. The soundtrack, composed specifically for the occasion, will be performed live and sung by the talented Matilde Montanari, one of the most promising voices on the contemporary music scene in Forlì. The evening will be enriched by the performances of singers and musicians, students of Cosascuola Music Academy and the New Dance Studio dance troupe, who together with their students will offer suggestive and energy-filled choreographies that promise to enchant and excite the audience.

For information and reservations: 349/7038334. Free admission

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